Prt:17- Emotional Nico

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Percy's Pov~

Its been a bit of time since Nico told me about the baby... And let me tell you when someone tells you its bad when your lovers with child BELIVE THEM.. I've already had three THREE of our vases lunched at my head, been kicked out of the bed twice only to be draged back into the bed because im "depriving him of his cuddles" though honestly the mood swings are the worst... Though it will be worth it when i get to hold our little angle. Hopefully they look like Nico.

"PERCY!" The anoyed voice of my pregnant husband called out. "WERE IS MY ICE CREAM!" He sheouted, stomping his way tords me.

"W-Well you see I was about to go get it" I say heading to the door. "Ill be ba-"

"W-Why a-are you l-leaving m-me..." He cried "A-Am I t-that b-bad? I-I p-promise to b-be b-better" he cried out.

Scrambling to cuddle him, careful of the noticeable baby bump, I ramble out "no nonono baby no. Im not leaving you. Your perfect baby." I try to calm him "I thought you wanted ice cream?"

He looked up at me before hestartrd glared "yeah... WHERE IS MY ICE CREAM" He yelled out, pushing me away. "GO" He yelled out shoving me out the door. "AND DONT COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE MY ICE CREAM."

After having the door slamed in my  face I turn to began the treck to the kitchen.

"Nico send you on another food run?" My sister asked upon my entrence to the kitchen

"How'd you guess?"

"I dont know the loud door slam.." She giggled "he has you running all over the place dosn't he?"

"Yeah... But if it makes him happy I'm fine with it" I tell her grabing the ice cream out of the frezzer grabing a bowl and spoon "see yah I better. Get this up to him."

"Kk see yah bro"

"Bye sis"

Heading back up the stairs I opened my bedroom door.

"P-Percy?" Came the sob filled voice of my husband.

Turning to see the sobing man cuddled up in our blanket "baby whats wrong" setting the stuff down on the table. Setting on the bed and pulling him to me. "Baby whats wrong?" I ask the smaller man.

"Y-You left m-m me." The man sobed into mu side.

"No hunny I didnt leave you. Shhhhhh. I went and got the ice cream you wanted, Love I'm sorry"

"I-ice cream?" Was his responce.

Chuckling.  I grab the stuff of the table. "Yep baby here you are my love" i say handing him everything.

"W-Were's your bowl?" He asked opening the ice cream tub.

"My bowl?"

"Yeah... You only brought stuff for me... Arn't you going to eat some?" He asked me, looking up at me.

"I wasnt thinking about that... I wasn't thinking about me... But thats not inportant baby. Whats inportant is you" I tell him planting a small kiss on his forehead.

"But... But I wanna share" he mumbled,  holding a spoon full up to me.

Chuckling "you really wanna share your ice cream with me?"

Looking up at me with the most adorable puppy-dog-eyes ever "please, Percy... I wanna share with you" he pouted.

"Fine" I chuckle befor sucking the ice cream of the spoon, causing Nico to giggle.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Plenty of fluff for everyone. Have a good day, night, and evening. Bye 💜

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