Prt:4-Prince Percy!?!

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Percy's Pov~

"-and now we're here" I finish the story. Looking everywhere but my friends. I don't want to see their pity or sorrow.


"I'm fine." I reply mechanicaly.
I look towards Nico. To see a single tear trailing down his small face. I don't I look around nobody else seems to notice the small act of saddness. They're watching me. Instinctfully I slouch down into my chair.

"W-Well anyways" Nico says braking the silence. I turn back to him trying to thank him without words. "We are supposed to live here we should probably look around. And we need clothes for the event tomorrow."

"Event?" Luke ask. "What event"

"Some sort  of coronation. Apparently when Chaos adopted by me and my sister he made us into royalty... or something" I replied, looking away.

"Wait your a prince." Charles yellps.

"Apparently and this is my home." I begin "You're welcome to stay here though. I don't think I can live here alone. It be so... uh.. bland?" I struggle to find the words.

They look between each other.

"Ok I'm fine staying here." Nico says braking the silence. Quickly followed by a chorus of nods.

"Thanks... uh well... we should probably go get some rest the thing should be tomorrow... Dad said the rooms are up stairs." I mumble out unsure what to do, instinctively pulling my sweater tighter to my body.

"O-Ok let's go" Nico stuttered out.
Why is he so cute. It doesn't matter we're just friends nothing else. He's probably not into guys any way. The thought saddens me.

"Percy" I hear Nico call me. Calling me back to reality.

"Follow me" I say heading towards the stairs.

Nico's Pov~
(Yeah pov change will be a regular thing deal with it. ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯)

"O-Ok I'm fine staying here" I say trying not to ignore the heat rising to my face.

After everyone nods in agreement we look to Percy for instructions. He clearly is uncomfortable with the attention. I don't think anyone noteced him pulling his sweater tight.

"Thanks... uh well... we should probably go get some rest the thing should be tomorrow... Dad said the rooms are up stairs." Percy said looking away.

A long silance. A glassy look coming over his eyes, like he isn't seeing us. Followed by a sad look.

I began to call his name hoping to keep away unwanted memories.

The look leaves his eyes "follow me." He says quickly rushing towards the stairs. We follow him to a hallway. Percy picked something up off the table

"The rooms are labeled don't blame me if you have a roommate the house decided we're to put you. Love Chaos" Percy read. "So we may be sharing or not geeeeeaaaaat. Well let's go" he finished heading down the hallway. Every one look  for your name." He called back.

We found the nursery first and put Luna down for the night setting up a baby camera in her room.

Everyone began to dispersed looking for their name. I'm making my way down the hall every one seams to have found their room but me and Percy.... "Is there another floor or..." I ask looking at him.

"Uhh." Well he did always have a way with words I guess.

"Well we could look" he says shrugging.

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