Prt:14- I do.

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Nico's Pov~

"Nico hold still" Bianca Shouted. "Ugh how am I supposed to get you ready. If. You. Don't. Stop. Moving." She's spent the last hour trying to get me ready for the wedding. Percy has a black tux I have a white, not exactly my color, but it will do.

"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous." I replied, attempting to still myself.

"You have nothing to worry about." Shaking her head "Percy loves you. He isn't just going to leave." Rolling her eyes, she concluded.

"Yeah" I mumble my cheeks warming slight at the thought of my soon to be husband. She's probably right. Percy wouldn't do that. He's probliy not even worried.

Percy's Pov~

"Do I look ok?!? Is my hair fine? Where are the rings?!?! Gods..."

Chuckling Luke yells out "Everything is fine stop panicking." He rolled his eyes, "You to have been planning this for months now you don't have any reason to be worried."

"But what if he doesn't like it or. Or he changes his mind. Then thers-"

"Shush. You and Nico have been practically inseparable since you got engaged. He isn't going to stop now."

"I guess... I just don't want to mess this up..."

"Percy you can't mess it up. Nico has made that very clear. If you havent scared him off bye now he isn't going anywhere"

-time skip to the vows cause I wanna get you all an actual chapter--

Nico's Pov~

Standing here looking the man who has captured my heart he began... "Nico, you are the best thing in my life," he paused running his thumb lightly over my hand. "You have always been there for me, and I never want that to change." Looking him in the eyes I listened, this.. This is the man I fell for, the one I'm never letting go. "I promise to do my best to protect you and our family." A slight blush dusted my face as I smiled. " I know you are the one to stand at my side. My equal in every way. The one I want to rule by my side. To help me lead our people. And rule a nation. There is no one else I will ever want. I promise to love you till I pass. And to make you happy, and keep you safe." As he finished a single happy tear slipped out of my eye, smiling I look up at him.

"Percy... You are my everything.... I.. I never thought I would be the one you would choose.." Pausing, I look him in the eye. "But I would never change a thing. My promise to you is to stay by your side. And help you through whatever is thrown at you. No matter what greif and victory is thrown our way I will say by your side, as long as you will let me. Percy I love you more than anything in this world. I promise to stay with you, to fight beside you, to love you, and to rule with you. Never did I think someday I would be on a throne... But if it means I get to be with you, and lead the people we love to prosperity... That is what I will do. I promise to do my best to protect you and the Kingdom. To protect the heirs to come. So our people can live on. Percy if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be who I am today. I love you and I all ways will." I closed looking into the beautiful ocean hued eyes that I fell for all those years ago. He starred back.

Percy's Pov~

Gods I'm lucky. Looking into his chocolate colored eyes. Thinking about what he said. Gods I love this man. The officiator then began to speak

"Perseus Achilles Chaos, do you take Nico di Angelo as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do"

"Nico di Angelo, do you take Perceus Achilles Chaos as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for rich or poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do"

"You may now kiss the groom."

Pulling his petite frame in and claiming his lips as mine in a soft sweet kiss. He is mine and mine alone.

Sorry for the wait. Also check out Ihave4cutedoggos they helped me with the editing. Hope you enjoyed comment what story you want updated next. Have a good day, night, or evening. Bye.

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