Prt:7-Help him

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Percy's Pov~

"Ok, everyone let's go" I call to everyone.

"Uhhh. Percy?" Luke called, "How are we getting there?"

"Meh room duu."

" What?"

" What Percy is trying to say" Nico began sending a glare my way " is there is a door we need to go through, that just so happens to be in our room."

" Yep" I confirm popping the 'p'

"Guess that makes sense."

--time skip brought to u by my lazzieness ಥ╭╮ಥಥ‿ಥಥ_ಥ--

" Dad, we're heeeeerrrreeeee" I call out earning a face-palm and eye roll from my adorable boyfriend.

"Peeerrccyy" he complained.

As dad (Chaos) entered. "Percy there you are. I trust you brought your sister?"

"Yeah she's right here" I reply taking the giggly infant from Bianca.

"Good come with me now if you could." Dad says "We need to properly introduce you to everyone. Every one needs to know who you are."

"Fiiinne. Catch up with you all later." I turn to my friends, lingering on a certain person a little longer than the others.

Nico's Pov~

As Percy fallows Chaos out, I'm suddenly pulled away from the group. Turning to see who has got me. "Bianca were are we going."

"One sec." Was the reply I received.

Eventually we reached a corner with few people. "Why did you drag me here?"

"Tell me all about it." Was my answer aprently.


"You know... You and Percy." She stated in a du tone.

"What about us" I reply not meeting her eyes.

"What has happened?!? Who asked who?!? Where did it happen?!? Are you going on a date?!? Can I help you dress for your date?!? When are the children coming?!? I want to be an aunty!!"

"C-Children we j-just started d-dating." I stutter out trying to hide my quickly flushing face.

"Fine. But seriously what is happening with you two."

"Well he still is struggling with the death of his family. He blames himself a lot. I really hope he gets better. I hate to see him hurting like that." I sigh, why did this happen to him. He doesn't deserve it.

"Well looks like he really does need you." She chuckled.

"What do you mean" I look curiosity at my sister.

"He needs some one to lean on. He's used to being the strong one. You need to help him open up and be himself."


Next chapter is out. Sorry for the wait. Until next time see ya

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