11 // So... What now?

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Oop, ya boi been busy with sum K and C dramas

Seriously tho y'all gotta watch the Crash landing on you, it's so good

Cover: Xiao Zhan as Wei Wuxian in 'The Untamed'


Chuuya groggily opened his eyes and yawned. He looked at the ceiling and then his eyes slowly closed again. There was a source of warmth that he had snuggled into while sleeping and he wanted to be drowned in the nice feeling it gave him, so he cuddled the soft warmth, snuggling against what seemed to be a shirt. He let out a quiet hum of satisfaction. Then something wrapped around him. Pulling him closer with a firm yet in a way soft grip. That's when he realised what was happening.

Chuuya's eyes shot open and he quickly pushed Dazai away in embarrassment. He was blushing from ear to ear and tried to cover it up by hiding his face in the soft pillow beneath him. He carefully glanced at Dazai from the cushion. Dazai looked clueless about what just happened. But seeing Chuuya peeping from the pillow made him chuckle. "What're you doing?", Dazai asked, his voice coarse from just having woken up.

Chuuya felt his face get even warmer. He grabbed the pillow's edges and tried to cover his whole head with it. "Shut up, Dazai!" Chuuya yelled from inside his pillow. And then there was silence. Chuuya finally released his grip on the pillow and rolled onto his side, facing Dazai. "I didn't think you'd actually shut up..." Chuuya mumbled apologetically.

Dazai smiled and said: "You sounded so serious I thought it was best to let you have a moment." 

Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Stop taking everything so seriously, you dork." He said as his eyes went back to meet Dazai's. And frankly, that was a mistake. Chuuya gulped as he stared into Dazai's eyes. They seemed so intimidating at first but the way he was looking at Chuuya was so warm. Chuuya found his words to be stuck in his throat and he couldn't move his gaze. It felt like Dazai had turned him into stone on the spot. Like a superpower in a way.

If given the choice they would've just laid there until the end of time, but that wasn't up to them. Just as Dazai reached out to move a strand of hair that had fallen on Chuuya's face, the door opened. "Breakfast is ready," Kouyou said in a stern tone. She seemed protective of her son. And not quite fond of Dazai. Chuuya immediately jumped up from the bed and told her that they would be there in 5. Then Kouyou left, but not before giving Dazai a stern glance.

Dazai sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. "Now I know who you get your cold stare from.", He said with a chuckle.

Chuuya turned to look at him with clear confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Dazai shook his head. "Nothing, let's get ready. I'm starving."

Breakfast went just as you'd expect it to. Kouyou kept giving Dazai some weird looks at first but once he saw how the boy had great manners she softened up a bit. Meanwhile, Chuuya was completely oblivious as always.

After eating they went back to Chuuya's room and sat on the bed. Both were scrolling through social media on their phones. Chuuya closed his phone and put it down on the white covers. "So, anything you wanna do?" He asked in obvious boredom.

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