4 // The mall

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Started: 19.6.2019

Yay writing more on Dazai's bday

undazai-fied version for my sanity
(i left in the cringe don't worry)


Even though it was the weekend, once again, Dazai had to wake up to his phone playing the same song it did every morning. Maybe he should change it sometime soon, oh well, it would have to do for now. He yawned and opened his eyes, squinting at the ceiling above him until he could properly focus on it. Then sat up and as usual, stretched his arms a bit and got up from the bed.

Taking a shower first thing in the morning definitely wasn't a part of his routine. That day, however, he felt the need to be clean. Even if it meant taking off his bandages. Taking off and putting the bandages back on took so much longer than the actual showering part, but that's the price he had to pay for hygiene.

Around an hour after he had woken up, he was finally dressed in black jeans and a dark blue sweater he had picked out the previous, along with some white socks. It was already a little past 9, which meant he still had 2 hours before he had to be at the mall.

Which meant he could finish up homework, read or maybe even watch TV for a moment. There was no need to eat anything since Chuuya had promised to treat him to a meal. Why waste food he had actually paid money for when he could have a free meal later on?

As he thought about the meetup, he started to think more about Chuuya. Dazai didn't know him well at all, so learning more about him would be rather... interesting. So far he seemed somewhat annoying, but at least had some manners. One thing was for sure, there was no denying he was only the least bit cute.

Wait, what was he saying? Chuuya wasn't cute at all! He couldn't think like that. Dazai definitely needed a distraction.

2 hours later. Dazai arrived at the mall after an about-20-minute walk. He slid his phone out of his pocket and checked the time, 10:54. Meaning there were still 6 minutes till 11.

Chuuya didn't seem like one to be late, so he decided to look around the mall a bit. Who knows, maybe Chuuya had already arrived. He could also get a glance at the stores for anything interesting. The sooner he was done here, the more free time he had.

There was a tap on his shoulder, so he turned around, only to be faced with the ginger called Chuuya Nakahara himself.

He was wearing a hat, it was different from the one Dazai had previously seen him wear. It had a red stripe on it as well as a little chain hanging on the side. Dazai guessed he wore a hat every day and everywhere. Other than the hat, he had a black unzipped hoodie, a wine red t-shirt that went along with the colour of the stripe of his hat nicely, black converse shoes and some black ripped jeans. He sure wore a lot of dark colours like black.

"Hi." Chuuya greeted, with a small smile that was soon gone.

"Hey, want to just get this over with?" Dazai replied, and Chuuya just nodded.

It was obvious both of them just wanted to get it over with and continue with our lives like it never happened.

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