14 // 3AM

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Fun fact, this is the only chapter to have been planned since I first thought of the fic. It was originally going to be smut-sorry guys-(it was originally more) inspired by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkj8t2PZWLA

It's a bit shorter than the last few ones but I've been busy lately and just wanted to get it out

Cover: Jeno from NCT


Dazai swore he could hear Chuuya's breath hitch before he swept his head to the side. "That's not what I meant!" Chuuya whisper shouted as if he had gotten shy all of the sudden. Quite ironic. The always-as-confident Nakahara Chuuya got shy when accused of falling for Dazai Osamu's charms. The thought caused Dazai to chuckle which in return made Chuuya's face snap back toward him. "And what are you laughing at?" And there was the confidence again but also more than that, annoyance seeped through the words like a knife poking at Dazai's stomach. 

"Nothing, nothing. Just a thought I had." Dazai assured with a smile slightly more meaningful than the ones he would give pretty schoolmates passing by.

Afterwards, silence followed. Neither knew where to go from there so they sat on the bed without saying a word while Chuuya fiddled with some boring game on his phone. He let out a frustrated huff and put his phone down, mumbling something about his party being a bunch of weak losers. Dazai had always found that Chuuya seemed to be bad at the games he played but still enjoyed watching him try. There was something slightly attractive in seeing Chuuya bite his lower lip as he stared at the phone in his hands with fire in his eyes. Maybe a little more than slightly attractive. But of course, instead of expressing this Dazai decided it would be funnier to tease Chuuya, "Lost again? You truly are horrible at that game." It would have sounded rude if it wasn't for the sarcastic tone of his voice.

Chuuya shot him a cold glare and tossed the phone into his lap. "Well, you try it then, if it's so easy." And Dazai did too.


"Aah! Why is this so hard?! Those stupid slime things..." Chuuya didn't dare mention they were the easiest enemy.

"Another round, this one doesn't count!" That wasn't how the game worked, but Chuuya let him play the domain again anyways.

"Why am I frozen?! Stupid game!" It was because Dazai had walked straight in front of the attack.

And many more complaints were heard before Dazai finally closed the phone.

"Why do you like that game anyway?" He inquired after throwing his head back against the wall. 

Chuuya shrugged. "It's fun, I guess. You're just bad at it." He said with a roll of eyes.

Dazai pouted dramatically at him. "I wasn't that bad!" He demanded although he also knew he really was.

"You were too!" Chuuya exclaimed, trying his best to hold back laughter as he reminisced about Dazai's pathetic show of gaming talent earlier.

Dazai huffed loudly and turned around to sulk like a child. Maybe, just maybe, he sometimes acted like one around Chuuya. The immature actions of his friend finally got to Chuuya and he could no longer stop himself from laughing. "What are you, five?" He asked teasingly. Dazai didn't reply. "Dazai?" He tried again. Still no reply. "Osamu?" Dazai visibly flinched at that but didn't say anything. There was only one more alternative name Chuuya could think of, "Shuuji?"

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