8 // It's my life

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I wrote half of the previous chapter after 7 hours of school work and I was very tired, it probably shows too.


Started: 30.10.2019, yeahhhhh


Before he even knew it Friday had arrived and Dazai was excited to have that two-day break from school -typically called a weekend. Little did he know his plans of studying were going to be overwritten by his dear friend Nakahara Chuuya.

It was the last lesson of the said Friday and Dazai should have known that when Chuuya entered the classroom with a smirk on his face, something was up.

Chuuya sat down next to him as usual and turned to look at him. Dazai gave him a confused look and in a serious tone asked: "What? Why are you looking at me like you found my secret Grindr profile or something?"

Chuuya looked visibly confused but was still smiling. "Well, I didn't find that yet, but now I'll be sure to look for it. Anyway, my friends and I are planning to go out tonight. You in?"

Dazai sighed. "No."

Chuuya pouted. "Come on! Dazaiiii, you never go anywhere! It'll be fun!" He begged, still pouting like a little kid. Dazai shook his head, looking away from Chuuya to not see his pout because as much as he wanted to deny it, it was working.

Throughout the lesson, Chuuya kept begging for Dazai to go, and eventually, he gave up and agreed to go. He did think it was weird to see behaviour like that from Chuuya, but let it slide as nothing.

The plan was for the group to meet in front of a small store in town and then see where to go from there. That was all Dazai was told.

Since he was going to have to hang out with Chuuya's friends he wanted to look representable so the other wouldn't be ashamed. He didn't even know why he cared about what Chuuya's friends thought about him, but for some reason he did. After a long search through his closet, he decided on a white long sleeve shirt with a black jumper on top and some black jeans. He figured he couldn't go wrong with the colours if he went for black and white. Once done with picking out his outfit he just sat on his couch for a while until it was time to go.

It was a bit chilly outside, but instead of making him feel cold, the occasional cool wind was kind of refreshing. Maybe he should go out more. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the store as it wasn't that far away. He was so thankful that he hadn't arrived first, but also that the only person there before him was Chuuya and not some random guy. Chuuya appeared to be scrolling through social media on his phone as Dazai arrived, thus he didn't notice him. He was wearing blue cuffed jeans, a white shirt with a green jean jacket on top, and with converse shoes. 

The outfit suited him well in Dazai's opinion, but he didn't say that out loud instead just said: "Hi, your favourite loner's here."

Chuuya looked up from his phone. "What's up with that name?"

Dazai shrugged. "Dunno, just being truthful."

Chuuya chuckled. "Okay, you weirdo."

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