16 //My dopamine (lips like a masterpiece)

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"You are my dopamine
The deepening chemistry of the two
Beautiful lips like a masterpiece"

ONEUS - Happy Birthday

Cover: Keonhee (ONEUS)

It's Expectations' 2nd anniversary on the 17th of May! :O I can't believe I've dragged this out for so long. I promise to update at least once a week until I finish this book now!


When Dazai woke up to see Chuuya in his bed he realised he would love to wake up to this view every morning. Asleep, Chuuya looked so soft. His beautiful ginger hair was sprawled across the pillow and a few strands were stuck in his mouth. A little bit of drool drooped out from Chuuya's plumb lips and Dazai found himself staring at that for longer than intended as he swallowed the urge to wipe it away with his thumb.

It was a Friday. They had school. Actually, the first period had probably already begun, but that was trivial to Dazai. He was willing to skip the day if it was for Chuuya. The consequences could be dealt with later on. Thinking about it, there were actually very few things he wouldn't do for Chuuya. He would work a 996 job for that man.

*A work schedule system used by some companies in the People's Republic of China. From 9 in the morning to 9 in the evening, 6 days a week. 996. 

How long it took for Chuuya to wake up, Dazai didn't know. On the other hand, he did learn that Chuuya was not a morning person. While sleeping Chuuya's features had appeared so delicate and almost angelic but now that he was awake all that was washed away by grumpiness. He still looked adorable though.

"Coffee", Chuuya muttered tiredly while rubbing his eyes. "Do you have coffee?" He asked after a loud yawn.

"No, but we can order some?" Dazai suggested. He was never really a coffee person. If anything he always thought of it as a waste of money. Why would someone willingly spend on bitter bean juice? Chuuya. Chuuya was the reason he was now standing in a queue at the cafe near his house. It was the cafe he had gone to with Chuuya's friends that one time.

It didn't take long for him to be back with a steaming cup of coffee. He had already forgotten the order so it was good that Chuuya wrote it down for him before he left. The walk had been quite refreshing and Dazai felt like the wind finally woke him up.

"There you go," Dazai said as he placed the cup before Chuuya who sat on the couch. Chuuya eagerly grabbed it and took a small sip. He nodded his head in approval and thanked Dazai with a smile.

After getting his morning coffee Chuuya became a lot nicer to be around once again.


They spend a huge chunk of the day on that couch. Dazai was unsure how they got to the point of cuddling but they did somehow. It was nice, warm, comfortable. Dazai brushed his hand through Chuuya's locks, smiling down at the short guy resting his head on his chest. Chuuya looked up at him and returned the smile. Dazai leaned down and pressed a kiss against that smile. If only they could spend the rest of eternity like this. But basic human needs happen to exist. "Dazai... I'm hungry..." Chuuya groaned loudly.

After a while of debating over whether or not it was too late to eat lunch, they got up and moved to the kitchen. Dazai hesitantly opened his fridge without expecting to find much. He wasn't wrong, the now opened door revealed a rather empty looking cold cabinet. Only a few frozen meals and bottles of water could be seen inside, neatly set on the highest shelf. He grabbed a bag of gyoza and proudly waved it in his hand. "Dumplings?"

Since there wasn't anything better to eat either, they ended up heating the pack of twelve gyoza. Though Chuuya argued that it wasn't healthy to eat frozen food for lunch in the first place but Dazai, who wasn't exactly known for his cooking skills, didn't have ingredients for proper food so they didn't have much of a choice.


The boys sat with their legs crossed on the floor around the coffee table in the living room. For a while, the room was filled with the sounds of dumblings being stuffed into mouths. Chuuya grabbed his glass and took a gulp of the cool water. "So, Dazai, I think we should talk." He said while picking up his chopsticks. He fidgeted with them for a bit before grabbing the last dumpling on his plate and placing it on his lips.

Dazai's eyes followed the action carefully, although without his consent. He almost forgot that he was still expected to respond, "Ah... Yeah. About?"

Chuuya, "I guess... Everything?" Weirdly, that made sense. Dazai gave him a stiff nod. Chuuya continued, "Umm... I... Damn it, I can't say it while looking at your face. Turn around."

Dazai complied without further questions. "Sure, whatever the princess wants" He singsonged to the man now behind him.

"Shut up! I already regret this." The ginger groaned. "I... I guess I like you?" Chuuya's voice was low and he appeared tense.

"Why do you make it sound like a question?" Dazai spat, he didn't intend to do so but he felt a little hurt by Chuuya's tone.

"This is exactly why." Chuuya declared sharply

Dazai couldn't help laughing. "Hmm, will you cry if don't reciprocate?" He felt a jab in his lower back. "OW! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I like you, please don't!" He rubbed the part that was hit with a whine.


Later on, when it was getting dark outside Dazai walked Chuuya back home. As it could be seen from all the aggressive text messages, Kouyou wasn't exactly pleased.

As they wandered down the busy streets, the cold wind hit them in the face like a slap of reality. "Gaah... It's freezing..." Dazai complained, shivering. He pulled up the collar of his jacket to bury his face in it.

"Tch. It isn't even that cold." Chuuya straight back at his over-dramatic reaction.

Soon enough they arrived at the door to Chuuya's apartment. It went quiet. For some time they just stared at each other. Chuuya looked away first and coughed. "I should probably go inside... I'll see you on Monday."


On Monday Chuuya came to school in the best mood in the past few weeks. He walked straight to Tachihara and grinned. "My money, please." Tachihara blinked at him, clearly confused. "Dazai's clear. Remember the bet?"

Tachihara's eyes lit up in realisation. "Oh! Yeah, that!"

He walked out of school with an extra ¥5000 that day.


Sorry, it's short but I didn't have much motivation for this one and I wanted to get it out on the 2nd anniversary of the book.

BTW I finally have scheduled for working on this!

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