18 // Share it with you all day long

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"Love is melody
하루 온종일 나누고 싶어
(I want to share it with you all day long)"
BAEKHYUN- Love Scene

Cover: Seungmin (Stray Kids)


tw // panic attack, in the second part, there's a second warning when it starts (Tried to research it but if it feels ungenuine for someone with experience, please let me know so I can improve it)


Despite sleeping in separate rooms, Dazai still felt that his bed was cold without Chuuya in the apartment. He supposed it was the lack of that warm feeling of Chuuya's affirmed well being. This man had become an essential part of his daily life in a matter of months.

Dazai never knew a knock could sound so hesitant before he heard the quiet sound of knuckles hitting against the door. It was quiet and unsure. It had to be Chuuya. Dazai sprung up and sprinted to the door. With a tight grip on the doorknob, he froze. What was he going to say to Chuuya? What should he say? He brushed these thoughts to the side. He would just go with the flow and do what feels right.

The door opened the view to a familiar face. To comforting eyes filled with sorrow and regret. To soft skin and plump lips and the ginger hair that beautifully framed those delicate yet in a way sharp features. And most of all, to home, to Chuuya. The morning sun caressed Chuuya's cheeks and highlighted his jawbones. It was a sight to behold. It was like looking at a painting, a masterpiece.

When had he gotten so cliché?

Dazai's hand reached out for Chuuya's before he could even stop himself. He gently stroke the back of Chuuya's palm with his thumb. His shaky mouth curved up and he hesitantly looked into the ocean eyes before him. Gazing into those pretty orbs that shone like pearls, he felt this was where he was meant to be. "I'm sorry," Dazai said softly. "Let me take you out like I already should have." He pressed a kiss against Chuuya's palm. The skin was just as silky as it looked.

"About time. Can we go inside? I'm cold", Chuuya couldn't hold back his sheepy grin.

Dazai nodded. "Yeah, let's go inside, it's freezing here."

It was only in the warmth of their apartment that Dazai realised he had no idea how to take someone out. In a murderous way, maybe. But on a date, no. Where did people usually go on dates? Cafes? Or would that be too predictable? He had certainly dug his own grave when he agreed to leave in two hours.

After a full hour of researching the topic, Dazai thanked online forums for his new-gained knowledge of dating. He had decided that the best idea would be to do something that would be casual in a way that neither of them had to be nervous and they could just relax and enjoy some food. This is how he chose to take Chuuya to a pizza place. It did not sound like the most romantic place to take someone on a date, but in Dazai's opinion, sharing a pizza could be very romantic.

The second hour was spent on choosing an outfit. His wardrobe did not have much variety yet he still struggled to pick what to wear. Only after many frustrated groans and mumbled curse words did he feel that it was good enough. Chuuya, of course, looked great. He wore a black shirt — it had one of those vintage looking prints on it — with a long tan jacket on top. The shirt was tucked into a nice pair of jeans, which covered some of his shiny black boots — that he probably wore to look taller. Dazai looked back at his black jacket and grey hoodie paired with some loose black pants and felt that Chuuya had defeated him in the fashion game.

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