3 // Plans

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Started: 18.6.2019

Also, it's currently 19th of June, so happy birthday Dazai!
Not when im publishing this tho


For the rest of the evening, Dazai didn't do anything extraordinary, just homework and studying really. He did go to bed earlier than usual though.

Dazai slowly opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. With a yawn he got up, stretching his arms up in the air as he looked around the dim room. That's when a question popped into his mind. What time is it?

He reached out to his phone laying on the floor next to his bed.

Damn, he really had woken up early this time, but he didn't mind, it was Friday anyway.

The brunet threw his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, he walked to his wardrobe and picked out something simple, then he went to the bathroom. After his face was washed, he looked down at his bandage-covered wrists, it was probably the time to change the bandages.

Slowly, but surely, he started to wrap off the long bandage around his left arm, the cuts on the skin exposing themselves along the way. Soon, the bandage was off and it was time for his right arm. Just like his left, his right arm also had cuts along his wrist and pretty much the rest of his arm. It was probably a good idea to also change the bandage around his neck, so he also got it off. There were also bandages around his chest and legs, but he just couldn't be bothered to change all of the bandages so early in the morning.

Once all of the old bandages were off and thrown away, he got new ones from the mirror cabinet and put them in place.

Other than that he didn't do anything too interesting.

His day was rather boring until in school, the same shortie that had punched him a few days ago, or well, Chuuya walked up to him.

"Hey, idiot, if we are going to meet up tomorrow at the mall or whatever, I think we should plan it out a bit more", Chuuya said, quietly, as if he was embarrassed about anyone hearing of their plans to meet up. Dazai wouldn't blame him, Chuuya seemed relatively outgoing and like he had quite a large friend group, so hanging out with someone like him probably wasn't the most appealing.

"Oh, it's you", Dazai started and rubbed the back of his head. "I guess we could meet at the mall in midtown around 11 or something and then just get it done with. You did hit me quite hard, so maybe treat me a meal too while we are there." Just as he finished, he realised that the last bit made it sound like the meetup was a date or something. All he could do was stand there, and hope Chuuya didn't take it like that. He was straight after all! He didn't like other males, he couldn't, he had to marry a successful woman.

"Don't get too needy! But I guess getting food isn't that bad, and 11 is fine. We'll see at the mall around 11, don't be late, I have other plans for the weekend too. Bye." And with that, Chuuya was off to wherever he and his friends hung out at school.

That was the only interesting bit of his school day.

When he got home though, that was far different from his usual Fridays.

He was stressed about the upcoming meetup. What should he wear? How much effort should he put into his look? How early should he show up? While all these questions and more were ramming through his head, the poor man just sat on his bed, holding his head in his hands.

Then, he had enough and slowly got up. Avoiding the huge mess of books and such on his floor, he eventually got to his wardrobe and looked inside. There wasn't anything too special, but he was only meeting up with Chuuya so the other could make up the way he had acted, so his outfit didn't need to be too special.

After a lot of thought, he decided on some plain black jeans and a blue jumper that had a strange texture to it. The outfit was simple, but he didn't want to be overdressed for the occasion. Why was he putting so much effort into it anyway?

Ugh, he was overthinking this!

Dazai just took the outfit that he had chosen and put it next to his bed to wait for the next day. Now, it was time for a quick snack before he would spend a few hours studying, and then go to bed early, as he wanted to be energetic the next day.


Finished: 19.6.2019

Yeeters, next chapter will be in Dazai's point of view, cuz it's 1am and I feel like it

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