17 // Water flows in only to flow out

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Cover: Felix (Stray Kids)

Ya boi actually managed to follow a schedule for writing omg what is this


Tap. Tap. Tap.

The point of a grey pen was repeatedly drummed against the table in an unsteady rhythm. A brunet was slumped over the desk, looking exhausted. He slammed the pen down against the dark wood and shot up from his chair. "I should've started studying for this exam earlier, damn it!" Dazai yelled in desperation. He had always been good at studying so why was he struggling to remember the material now? It was just a biology exam, he was good at biology. Where was Kunikida when he was needed?

With a defeated sigh, Dazai sat back down to face his open book. His hands tightly gripped the edges of the pages and he pulled the book closer. All other thoughts disappeared and he let himself be dragged into the text. He was finally starting to get it.

Then, click. And a creak. Someone had just opened the door to his apartment. No one except him should have the key. Warily, he got up again and peeked through the slit of his slightly-opened room door. Brown eyes wandered from the kitchen to the living room. His face paled as they landed on two people sitting on his couch. His parents. How they had gotten in remained a mystery to him.

His mother's eyes snapped to him and she immediately rushed over. "Shuuji!"

Dazai blinked at her. "Why are you here?" He asked coldly, earning a disapproving headshake from his dad.

"We came to help," Whenever his mum had wanted to "help" him, she just made her life more miserable.

It wouldn't surprise Dazai if this time was no exception. "Leave."

His mother shook her head. "No, we will help."

Dazai sighed. "I don't need your help, leave."

But his mother was persistent, "Shuuji! Let us help you" Her tone was soft as if she didn't know she was a bad parent.

Dazai took a deep breath and glared at his father still seated on the couch. "What is this about?"

His father finally stood up and walked over at this, as if he had been waiting for a call. "We know you have a bit of an... Unfortunate relationship. So, we arranged a marriage for you."

Dazai almost choked on air. Marriage? Arranged marriage? What? Surely, surely they wouldn't go that far. "Huh?" He asked, dumbstruck.

"Do not worry, we will take care of it. You can also exchange schools" How is it that Dazai's dislike for them got worse with every word let out of their mouths.

"No. I don't want a fucking arranged marriage, I don't want to exchange schools. Just leave me alone!" His outraged shout heard. His throat aching from just those 3 sentences and water gathered in the corners of his eyes. Everything was starting to look blurry. He could see something hand-shaped moving in his direction, he dodged it with a wince and stormed out of the apartment.

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