5 // Free food

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Started: 19.6.2019


If asked beforehand, Dazai would have said that the food would be the best part, and even after getting to know Chuuya a bit better... Never mind it still was the best part. Who could say no to free food? Though he had to admit that he was quite enjoying the other's company.

"What about that one?" Chuuya asked pointing at a fast food place. Dazai hummed in approval.

"Sounds good", he said and smiled a little. Dazai hadn't even realised he had been smiling a lot more than usual, but once he did, he mentally scolded himself for it.

The duo walked into the crowded restaurant. While Dazai could read the menu displayed on the screens just fine, Chuuya being as short as he was, was having a hard time. He tried getting on his tippytoes to see better but gave up soon after.

Dazai smiled a little to himself as he watched Chuuya grumpily cross his arms and huff.

"I can lift you", Dazai suggested in a sarcastic tone. Chuuya looked up at him with furrowed brows and muttered: "I hate you." This got a chuckle out of Dazai. He smirked down at Chuuya. 

"Your loss, I already know what to order."

Chuuya's mouth opened to say something, but he couldn't get anything out. "So, do you want to be lifted or not?" Dazai repeated.

"Absolutely not!" Chuuya's reply was immediate and loud enough to catch the attention of a few fellow customers waiting to order food.

Dazai lifted his hands in the air in defeat. "Fine fine, I get it." Chuuya ended up waiting until there were fewer people in front of him.

The two of them ordered food and chose a table to sit at. While waiting for food, Dazai took a look around the place. The tables were in rows and the table row the closest to the wall had a sofa like a bench, the same was done at the opposite wall. Most of the tables were made out of light wood, but there was a mix of a few other kinds as well. The chairs were bland and boring, in Dazai's opinion that is. Overall, the place was a typical fast-food restaurant.

While he had been observing the surroundings, Dazai had accidentally been ignoring Chuuya. "Hey, idiot! Did you listen to even a word I just said?" Chuuya asked, obviously mad.

Dazai looked at him and apologised. "Sorry, I was distracted, what did you say?" With a sigh from Chuuya, he explained to Dazai what he had previously said, and a conversation had begun.

Eventually, their food came, and they ate in awkward silence.

Once they had eaten, they walked out of the restaurant and sat down at one of the many benches in the mall.

Dazai watched as people passed by, his face lacking emotion once more. "We probably should get going", said Chuuya from beside him. Dazai turned to look at him with a small frown that was gone almost as soon as it had appeared. He didn't remember when the last time he got out of the house to go out like this was. Either way, too long ago.

He didn't have any friends to go out with, so that might have been the reason. Now that he had gotten to know Chuuya a bit, he could genuinely say, he enjoyed his company, though the "abuse", as he liked to call Chuuya's little punches and nudges, wasn't fun at all.

With all of the thoughts in his head, Dazai had almost forgotten to reply. "I suppose so. Say, Chuuya, do you go out like this often?"

Chuuya raised a brow at the question. "Not to the mall, but if you mean with friends, I guess. Why are you asking?"

Dazai shook his head. "No reason really. I just don't go out much." He said, not afraid to be honest.

Chuuya just blinked for a while. "Are you saying you don't have many friends? No surprise, you're pretty annoying."

Dazai fake pouted. "You're no angel either, abuser."

Chuuya smacked Dazai's arm. "I'm not an abuser."

"Very convincing, Chuuya," Dazai said, smirking.

"Oh shut up" Chuuya chuckled and nudged Dazai's arm again, this time playfully. It was the first time Dazai had heard Chuuya laugh. He found the sound pretty, but would never admit that to himself.

After talking for a while, both of them headed home.


Finished: 2.9.2019

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