20 // Flowers blooming in me (END)

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"As if spring has come

Flowers are blooming in me"ONEUS - Happy Birthday

Woah, I can't believe we've made it this far!

It's been years since I last tried to write smut, so the delay was caused by me having to do research. And back when I did try to write it, it wasn't like,, good smut. So I went on a whole studying spree. But, uh, tried my best.

-Not underage, note the time skip.-I wouldn't say it's drunk sex, just slightly intoxicated sex.-It's a little vague and that's intentional.

Oh and happy birthday to Xie Lian! :D

Cover: Felix (Stray Kids)


Daisies, roses, orchids, tulips and poppies. Dazai couldn't recognise the other ones. He observed the different shapes and colours of petals around pistils but knew no name for them.

The soft morning sun caressed the flowers and brightened up the store as a whole. Dazai loved the sunrise. He had been forced to wake up early for so many years he could no longer readjust his inner clock. Or, he could have but it would have taken too much time and effort. At least he got to enjoy the cool dawn before scorching heat hit. The Japanese summer was like a jungle.

"Excuse me, ma'am, could you help me out please?" Dazai asked in despair. He had been staring at the flowers for 15 minutes without making any progress on deciding what to get. A lady in a dark green apron set down a box of flowers and came over. She had red hair that hung over her shoulders in two messy braids. Her bright blue eyes reminded Dazai of Chuuya. She didn't look Japanese but seemed to understand the language. Dazai squinted his eyes at her nametag. As expected it was written in katakana. It read: Lucy — or literally, Rūshī.

Lucy, "How may I help you, sir?" Though her lips were stretched into a smile, her eyes seemed more irritated than anything. That could simply be how her eyes were.

Dazai grinned widely. "I need flowers for a special someone." He added a wink.

Lucy didn't seem impressed, "Ah, what're they like?"

Dazai sucked on his lip in thought, "Short-tempered, has a dirty mouth but means well."

Lucy nodded along. "Okay, what's the occasion?"

Dazai, "He's graduating."

Lucy finally seemed genuinely interested now that the chatting part was done, "Alright, got it. I would recommend roses, they're a classic. Orange, pink or red. If he doesn't like roses, you could try hydrangeas or peonies."

Dazai didn't know what hydrangeas looked like but he had heard the name before. He knew what roses were so those were the safest option. "I'll have a bouquet of roses then, I don't know what difference the colour makes so just put all of them in," Dazai said with a sheepy smile. Lucy gave her a thumbs up before she started working on the bouquet.

While watching Lucy pick out flowers and tying them together, a voice called from near the stall. It was a very familiar voice too, "Where should I put these, Lucy?" Atsushi's light grey hair was unmistakable. Did he work here?

"Atsushi?" Dazai's confusion filled voice asked.

Atsushi's head immediately snapped to him. "Dazai! Are you here to buy flowers for Nakahara?" He seemed a little too excited, but they hadn't seen each other in a while so it made sense. Atsushi could still read him so well, he was indeed here to buy flowers for Chuuya.

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