chapter 15

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Hope you like it!!!

Alex's POV

She looked in to my eyes and i could see her confusion and fear in them.

"A witch?....... why would a witch make me have that dream?" She asked wide eyed.

"I don't know , but have you had any dreams like that before ?" The doctor said once again looking down at his board.

"Well it wasn't exactly like that, but I had a dream that my father had wrote me a letter and I was in this big house . I don't know if that is similar or not." She said recalling the dream. She didn't seem comfortable talking about her father and as much as I wanted to tell her she didn't have to, I need to know what is going on.

"Well it sounds like if it was, it has something to do with your father." The doctor said standing up . "I'm going to just run some more tests, and then you should be free to go." He gave her a big smile and then faced me.

- stay with her, I want to make sure that these dreams don't get worse. Witchcraft is not something you mess with, some skilled witch is doing this but the question is why? - the doctor mind linked me and I gave a soft nod.

I turned back to look at Minnie who was trying to get out of the wires that were attached to her.

"Come hear." I chuckled and pulled the last wire from her arm. She winced in pain as the needle slid out of her skin and she sucked in a sharp breath.

"I'm sorry." I said placing my hand over were the needle came out and looked in to her eyes. I cringed at her pain with her.

"Its okay, I'm glad you did it quick, because I wouldn't have been able to do it,  I would have struggled. That's one of my weaknesses ..... needles." She shuddered and I chuckled. She was so cute when she let her guard down and was nice around me.

"Do you want me to bring you some food, the doctor will be a couple of hours?" I asked nicely as I held one of her hands.

"Yes please, id like that." She gave me a shy smile and then kissed me on the cheek. I stood up smiled at her and then left the room. She was seeming very.....  Relaxed.  I don't mind though.


Minnie's POV


A witch? How was that possible? They don't just mess with wolves for nothing and I'm guessing it is someone who is paying a hell lot for this.

Why were the dreams about my father? What did he have to do with anything? They are probably trying to bring back the pain of when I lost him, bring back the pain of having to watch my mother hurt over her dead mate.

When Alex left the room, I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.  I would find whoever was doing this and I would make them regret it.

I could hear the faint footsteps approaching my room, and the sweet smell off food hit my nose.

Mmmmhhhhh chicken and chips. I felt like it had been forever since I last ate, but I guess I'm always hungry.

When Alex walked through the door , he smiled sweetly at me, handed me my food and sat down next to me  with his food.

After a couple of mouth fulls I looked at him and felt like he was constantly glancing at me.

"Whats wrong? Why do you keep looking at me?" I asked in a joking tone, but it had a bit of seriousness too it.

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