chapter 1.

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"Shut up!" I screamed at my alarm clock, as I chucked my pillow in the general direction from were the noise was coming from. That was the 3rd time I had put snooze on, and I was already 10 minuets late to school but I didn't care, I didn't have any use full lessons that day any way.

I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep, but as soon as my head hit my one fluffy pillow i still had , my mother shouted at me through my bedroom door. I groaned and sat back up holding my head in my hands and propped myself up with my elbows.

" Wake up right now or you are not getting a lift to school!" My mother screamed at me with a morning voice so I guess I woke her up . Ever since my dad had died while he was out patrolling 3 weeks ago, and got attacked by one of the enemy's pack members, my mother has been so moody. It is understandable really, sometimes there are days that i just want to lay in bed and do nothing until i cant feel the pain and loss anymore.

I lazily crawled out of bed and walked over to my door , dodging all the dirty clothes and discarded makeup on my floor , I finally reached the door, I opened it and came face to face with my mother, who had obviously cried he self to sleep again because she had huge bags under her eyes and she looked exhausted. She had told me that losing her mate was the hardest thing ever. Even harder than child birth and I have watched a woman give birth before and it is not pretty or ,by the looks of it ,easy.

I didn't share the same opinion, as i was dreading finding my mate. They would probably feel ashamed to be my mate and would probably reject me so i was not so open to the idea as everyone else was. I would  just get hurt and I didn't need any more hurt in my life right now I had too much going on.

"mum, do I have to go to school." I asked my mother. Rubbing my sleep filled eyes and yawned.

she just looked at me with her empty eyes and sighed. The only response she would give me lately unless you count shouting as a way of communication.

" you are going to school because you are going to be the new beta soon Minnie , you need to learn that if you don't start putting effort in to your learning ,which you will need to be the beta , then the alpha will just pick someone else and then that will bring shame to our family. All our family have been the beta ever since we joined this pack, and I will be dammed to see it stop now , in my life time or yours for that matter! Your father would have wanted you to start living your life instead of just acting like a stubborn teenager!" she lectured me about the importance of been the beta, and i could see the tears forming in her eyes as she talked about her dead mate. She thinks I should start to be more responsible. But I'm only 17 I don't need to be responsible yet hell i don't even want to be the beta .

my mum had finally got me to get dressed and she drove me to school. I was really late and when i finally got there my form teacher was stood at the reception waiting for me and he gave me a week detention because i had been late all last week as well. I groaned inwardly not wanting to get in to more trouble. I stomped out of the reception and to my first class.

I walked in to my Maths lesson and got a dirty look from everyone apart from my best friend Silver who was sat right at the back with her head phones she gave me a smile and tapped her pen on the table in the rhythm of the song . Her black poofy hair stood out from all the bleach blonds in the class and her eye make up was really big but it complimented her light green eyes well.

I handed my late note to the teacher and sat down next to Silver. I was still been glared at , but it was nothing new. I started talking to Silver and I apologized for been late, and leaving her all alone in maths. She was annoyed at me at first but then we started to talk about bands and then she forgave me.

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