chapter 8

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So tell me what you think ! X
I woke up to the feel of sun light on my face. Any other day I would have just cringed at it , but today all I wanted to do was sit in my dark room and wait until my life was over .

I didn't get much sleep last night, and i can tell that i defiantly needed a shower .  i pulled the covers over my head and all the thoughts about Alex came back .I never wanted to be his mate, so why did the moon goddess put me with him? And why did he have to be so smug and cockey?

What did I do ? If any thing, someone that actually likes him should be his mate and that way it would leave me with some nice low status  man who I could settle down with and maybe even travel a bit. And defiantly not an Alpha!

But no! The moon goddess has decided that I will stay in this pack forever and never have a normal family and have to walk around like I am better than everyone , and I don't won't to live like that.

I finally  walked over to the window and sat on the little seat that was meant to be the windowsill but we made it in to a seat. I looked out of the window and guessed it was about half 10.

From my window you could see the Forrest over some of the pack houses at one side. But on the other I could see the alphas house.

I looked over to the tall old building sticking out from all the cottages and frowned. Just looking at it brought back the thought of Alex .

I groaned as I heard a nock at my door and I closed the curtain so I was out of sight from the room. I leaned against the window and hoped who ever it was didn't come in getting the message I didn't want to speak .

Unfortunately this is Silver and even if she gets the message, she still does it anyway.

She  whipped opened the curtains and stood with her hands on her hips looking at me accusingly.

"You are still in your dress........ I should have if you could be bothered to get changed." She said chuckling at me.

I  curled up in to a ball so that  my head was on my knees and  i wrapped my arms around my legs.

"Come on you have to get up....... You have got a visitor." As soon as she said that I was on high alert and I jumped up and sniffed the air.

I swore under my breath but I new she herd me with our in-hanced hearing.

"What is Alex doing hear? .... I don't want to see him today!" I whisper shouted at her as I pulled her to the bathroom down the hall. My wolf was howling at me to go down to our mate but I made sure I kept her down.

" when are you going to want to speak to him? ..hum? ...... Tomorrow? Next week? Next year? " she asked sarcastically that gained a slight glare from me my eyes turning slightly darker with my growing irritation.

I stood in front of her raking my brain of ways of how I could put this off. But my stupid brain didn't come up with one so I stomped my foot in frustration and hissed out a fine to Silver. She grinned and skipped out of the bathroom.

I closed and locked the door, and then turned on the shower. Once the room was steamy and I was stripped of my clothes, I stepped in to the hot shower and relaxed a bit in the calming water.

I washed my hair with my apple shampoo and conditioner and I washed my body with my grape fruit shower gel.

Once I was done I slipped out and wrapped one of the towels I got out of the cupboard around my hair and the other over my body. The towel that was covering my body came just to my knees and my hair was poking out of the end of the other towel my hair is really long.

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