chapter 9

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I woke up by my self this morning on the sofa with really bad back ache. know body was in the house which was good because  i didn't have to talk to anyone.

I forced my self to get up from the comfort of the soft fabric ,  hearing the click of my back as i stretched was satisfying ,I walked in to the kitchen to boil the kettle and make my self a strong and sweet coffee just like every other morning.

My mum had made me some breakfast but it was now cold so I put it in the micro wave and sat down with my coffee at the table. The steamy cup taking away the drowsiness but left me with the grumpy me. My wolf was still complaining that we didn't have more time with Alex and she so desperately wanted to come out, but I new if I did the first thing she would do would be find our mate and, well you know..... Mate with him.

I shuddered at the very thought of him touching me that way. At first I thought it was disgust but the warm sensation in my heart made me realise it was a shudder of pleasure . i shook my head and sat down with my now hot plate of food.

I was half way through forcing my self to eat breakfast when the door bell went of, I   groaned and dragged my feet to the door expecting to see Silver and not Alex.

" oh great." I sighed to my self leaning against the door frame. "What do you want now?"I spat at him, I new I probably should be nicer to him and I could see the hurt in his eyes, but I was not in a good mood and it was the morning.

" I just Thought that I should come and see if you were OK this morning." He said looking deep in to my eyes and holding them captive until I tore my eyes away with a tinge of red on my cheeks . I  hated how he could make me feel embarrassed for just looking at him.

" Well I'm fine." I said and watched as his lip twitched and he looked away from me to the floor. I new he was smug for making me blush and I new he was trying to hide it but I still saw and a small growl escaped my throat.

" Look i know you don't like me much , and in sorry for what i did to you when we were young..." He said with a slight bit of irritation in his voice, but i wouldn't have noticed if i wasn't listening out for it.

" When we were young... ha.... it was 6 years ago , i was 11." I said now with an amused expression. " I cared about you like you were my brother, and then you told me that you couldn't talk to me any more ....... and then the next day you were  sucking faces with another girl." I was angry now just recalling what had happened. I felt my anger so strongly, but I also felt an emotion that I am not used too , an emotion only one person has ever made me feel. Jealousy.

" I didn't mean to hurt you i was trying to stop all the hurt that you already got. I hated it when all the people at school would call you awful names and i tried to stop it, but then they would just do it again. So i thought that if i went away from you then they would not be jealous that you were my friend an they weren't and then they would leave you alone. But then you hated me so i couldn't come back to you because i would cause you more pain." He looked like he was about to cry and i wanted to apologise and just hug him, and  it looked like my body had the same idea.

I took a step closer to him and had a genuine small smile on my lips. he looked confused as to what i was doing and to be honest, i didn't have a clue what i was doing either. I lifted my hand and cupped his face.

- He is our world Minnie....... we love him, we can never be mad at him!- I realised that it was my wolf that had taken over my body and i quickly focused and pulled my hand back to my side and took a step away.

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