chapter 13

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The walk home was calm and quiet just how I wanted it to be. Today had been a long day and I needed time to think. Do I really want to go back to the pack house ...... Ever? I wanted to forgive him for what he had done but I couldn't....... Not yet any way.

I reached my front porch and stared at the door,  I didn't want to go home to an empty room I wanted Alex to be with me so bad I considered turning back and going to him,  but the thought of being alone with him still made my heart race in fear and excitement.

I was too busy thinking about Alex that I only noticed the noise from inside my house when it was too late and I was busted.

"Crap!" I whisper shouted as I turned to look at the door. " mum is going to kill me." I muttered to myself looking down at my insurance.  She would not be pleased I went to see the Alpha in this.

I stood still and silent as the house door slowly opened and my fuming mother was stood with her hands on her hips and a red face from anger.

"Were have you been ?!" My mum shouted at me. "I have been waiting for you to come back, I thought that ... maybe something had happened to you
.... and that you had been taken from me!" She screamed tears falling from her eyes.

Ever since my dad died , she has been sensitive and I feel sorry for her. Losing your mate is really hard and to lose your only child as well would be heart breaking.

I smiled at her sympathetically and walked over to give her a hug. She cried in to my shoulder creating a small wet patch from her tears.

"I'm fine mum..... I'm home and I wont leave you ever!" I  reassured her." I promise!"  She squeezed me closer as if that would stop anything from happening to me.

When she finally stopped crying I made her a cup of tea and then went to bed. I face planted my soft covers and then I was in dream land thinking of Alex. But that stupid dream from the other night still haunted my thoughts.



My alarm woke me up today I couldn't be bothered going to school. There was know way I would be able to stay awake.

I turned my alarm of and went back to sleep. My head was too fuzzy with all the action of yesterday and I had blocked everyone in my head out because I had a head ache. One that I new would not be cured by paracetamol.

I woke up at 10 in the morning and was now just about satisfied with the amount of sleep. I walked downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee. My mum was at work so she wasn't at home , which i was glad at so she didn't force me to go to school.

I went back up to my room and laid on my bed drinking my coffee trying to think about what to do.

I could just lock myself in my room for like ..........forever .

Just thinking about last night made me feel anxious . I never want him to be like that ever again. And his dad......... Don't get me started on his dad.

I had finished my coffee and decided to talk to Silver . She seemed to be like the only semi normal person left .

- hey what you doing?- I asked bored .

- omg are you okay ?......... what happened last night?  ........ why are you not at school? .......  did you sleep at his ?............. did he hurt you ? ......... are you okay ?!- She shot all of these questions at me , that my headache was turning in to a migraine. I rubbed my temples to try and reduce the pain but by now I had stuffed my head under my pillow and planned to stay their until it went away.

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