chapter 22

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Alex's pov


I woke up in a cell, I tried to stand up but my head was all fuzzy and my balance was completely off, which meant i came toppling over again and face planted the floor. I groaned and sat up and propped my self against the wall for support.

I was breathing heavily and it was sort of stuffy but damp in the cell. I looked around and all I could see was darkness. Why was my eyesight so bad?

" Hello?................ Any one there?" I asked in to the nothingness.

I got no reply so i just stayed quiet. The cell room was small and it had a concrete floor that had puddles of water and patched of stained blood all along the floor and walls, I could smell it , The coppery smell that was so strong it over powered any one that walked in here.

There was a bright light and my vision went blurry for a second before my eyes adjusted to the new light. The figure that was stood at the door had their face hidden in the shadow and their body was big and strong. He walked closer to me and so i stood up. This time i managed to stand and went to grab the bar for support , only to scream out in pain as the skin on my hand blistered.

I waited for it to heal but it was still there and was taking longer to heal." Wolfs bane." I muttered under my breath and the dark figure chuckled , a dark mischievous chuckle that sent a shiver down my spine, not out of fear, but out of disgust because I new who that chuckle belonged too.

" You really are a stupid mutt aren't you?!" It laughed at me and that made a deep rage sore through my veins and made me growl.

" Temper , temper Mr Sykes, wouldn't want to piss off the Alpha now would we?" I hated it because he sounded just like me.

" Well i am afraid you have just done exactly that!" I was pissed now and speaking through gritted teeth with my hands clenched in to fists, so tight my knuckles started to turn white.

He chuckled again before coming closer. " You do know that i could kill you in a matter of seconds?" He growled all joking ness gone from his voice and replaced with serious anger.

" From what i have heard , that is not your intentions, Is it Mr Reed?" I said addressing him the same way he did to me.

He scrunched up his face and turned away." Not as stupid as i thought." Was all he said before leaving the room and me . I was left alone with the stuffy , empty and dark cell, that was to be my home until i could find a way out. If there even was one , but I couldn't give up, not when my mate was in danger.


Silvers pov


I woke up in a bed. It was not mine so i shot up in a sitting position, i regretted it instantly from the splitting pain that ran all the way down my forehead and the back of my head. I brought my hand to my fore head and rubbed it trying to sooth the pain. When something fell in front of my eyes , i rubbed harder and pulled my hand back in front and inspected it.

" Dried blood?" I asked myself . It all came back to me then. Being in the woods and a man jumped in front of me and then........................ Nothing?

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