chapter 5

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The sky, now turning a dark blue with pink clouds from the setting sun, was the setting for my and Silvers, great escape. We kept walking right up until we could hear voices up ahead of us. We stopped , quickly we darted behind a tree and listened in to the conversation.

" You should go now, I'm here so go back to your family." One of them said and i new we had blew our chance at going to the human world. That was until i recognised the voice of the man, he was one of my dads friends.

-Do you think we should try tomorrow?- Silver asked in our mind links so know one could hear.

i looked at my watch and shook my head.-No not yet ..... 3 more minuets we have come this far, I'm not blowing it now, that man that is swapping over, is one of my dads friends, I'm sure he will let us out..- i said to her in our mind links as well I couldn't risk any one hearing us.

-This wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't for all these 'hunters' farther keeps telling me about, but i have never actually seen one , so who is to say they are real?- Silver stated in my mind link with an irritated tone.

- well they are real ...... why else would they say it isn't safe to go out in to the human world, and there are rogues aswel?-i asked in our mind link.

she just shrugged and sighed while she rested against the tree with her big black jumper on that covered her hole body nearly , it was just below her knees and her hands were know were near the ends of her sleeves.

-Now- i said through our mind link, and we  watched the other man walk away and back towards the center of the territory. We jogged up to the other man, who looked shocked to see us.

" What are you doing hear...... at this time!?" He practically shouted at us , not in a mean way but in a protective, caring way.

" Well i was hoping .... you would let us......" I said dragging out my words , saying it as if it was a question.

He tilted his head to the side and gave me an accusing look." You know i can't do that!" He was almost laughing and he had a smirk on his face.

"Please!.... it is my birthday!" I said giving him my puppy dog eyes, and he shook his head and laughed .

" No Minnie..... you know i cant... the Alpha would kill me if he new i let you go...... you know it is against the pack rules to go out without permission and a adult....!" He was now serious and had a strict look on. But i cut him off determined to make him let us go.

" Come on.. he wont find out..... and it is my birthday i just want to go out before i am stuck in this pack for the rest of my life. I need some space from everyone... apart from Silver of course." I gestured to Silver, and she gave him a awkward wave and a awkward smile." Plus....." I was cut of by him this time.

" I said no Minnie!" He was irritated now by the twitching of his left eye.

" Come on ... are you going to make Minnie have a rubbish birthday? Do you think that is what her dad would have wanted? you preventing Minnie from doing what she really wanted?" Silver chirped up as if someone had pressed her on button.

" well....i.....what?....errrrmmm......" Was all he could get out before Silver started to drag me away from him and towards the human city.... at last.

The man didn't try and stop us he just stared at us walking away, stuttering words of protest, but not actually creating a full sentence.


We had been walking for little under 20 minutes when we first saw signs of the city, it started out as a couple of houses, and then a few shops, and some more houses. And then we hit a Forrest of tall sky scrapers and to the edges of the city some old , rundown factories.

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