chapter 10

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We walked in to the last club, the alcohol making everything a bit fuzzy but my mind was still pretty clear.

I looked around the dance floor seeing familiar faces . but my view of the dance floor was short lived as a tall ,fake blonde stood in my way.

" Well if it isn't Minnie and her freak friend?" Stacy said as she flicked her bleach blond hair and pushed out her boobs and stood with her hands on her hips.

" And if it isn't Barbie doll Stacy and her heard?" I said as I copied what she did but sarcastically and with much more dramatic affect and I burst out laughing at the end as I saw her face.

She stood with a fake hurt expression, she looked away from me and to her sheep followers and they all smirked at her, then Stacy turned slowly to look at us again with the same smirk on her face.

It was like looking at a group of clones they all looked the same with their fake blond hair, orange faces and tight short belts on.( skirts)

" So I heard that you found your mate then?...... so who is it?.... let me guess is it the garbage boy that comes on a Saturday morning?" She said with an amused expression and a raised eyebrow.

" Not exactly." I said giving Silver a quizzical look." How did you know?" I asked confused as to how they found out.

" Well it wasn't hard really you just look at you and you can tell that you have a mate from the constant scanning of the room and if that wasn't enough you stink of a boy but im not sure who as it is all mixed in with yours and your freak friends scents..... so who is it then?" She asked this time in a bitter cold voice that at an other time would have made me think about what I was going to say , but under the influence of alcohol and a strong Alpha mate I thought I was okay to say what ever I liked and so It all came out , everything from the day I met her of what I thought about her and what she was like.

It was my turn to look at Silver and smirk and she gave me a knowing look." You know what, im not going to take your shit no more, I have lived with it all my life. Why don't you and your little herd of sheep followers go and piss off because I really don't want to talk to your orange face anymore your giving me a head ach from just the glow of your skin . And who gave you the right to tell me and my friend that we are freaks when you are the one that covers yourself in fakeness and strut around the town like you own it." A few gasps could be herd from a couple of people behind her and some people that were already in the club stopped and stared at our heated discussion, but I wasn't done yet.

" You are constantly doing things for attention and you never think of the consequences. What do you think the boys at our school think about you as you fling yourself at them. They think that you are a slut and easy , and if they ever want some action you are the first person they call. So before you come up to me and tell me how much of a weirdo and a freak I am, think of who you are and why you are really picking on me and just admit that you feel threatened because I don't react to your shitty little comments like everyone else does and that you cant stand the idea of me getting more attention then you do from the Alphas son when he rejects you and then walks over to me, because don't think I don't see how much it hurts you because I know you want to find someone one day and think of what they would say if they new how many men were before him." I was just about done but I thought that I should leave it there as I was now in a bad mood and just wanted to get out of there and go to bed.

I could feel all the stares I got from everyone as I turned and walked to the entrance. Silver was stood with her mouth open and was staring at my retreating back. After all the years I had never ranted at one of the 'populars' because I couldn't be bothered with the aftermath. But now that I had said it I didn't care any more. I felt like I could say what ever I liked now that I had over come my fear of been beaten to death by Stacy's stilettoes and trampled on by the herd of sheep.

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