Chapter Five

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You awoke abruptly to a banging noise against your bedroom window. Confused, you groggily made your way to the door, careful not to trip over Sadie, and opened it to see Trevor quickly tapping his fingers against his left leg as he tapped his right foot. 

"[Y/N], come quick," he spit out before running away and jumping into his truck. Well, that didn't answer any questions whatsoever. 

"Give me a minute. I need to eat and take a shower," you yawned before he began slamming the horn of the Bodhi.

"No time, now or never, sugar tits!" he bellowed over the cacophony. Grunting in frustration, you made your way over to the truck. Wade was sitting shotgun, so you hopped in the truck bed. What else is there to do on a Tuesday morning?

"What are we doing right now, Trevor?" Wade asked. You were glad you weren't the only clueless one, for once. 

"Drugs. Getting drugs. A truckload of drugs," Trevor explained as he hit the gas like his foot was made of lead. You clenched onto the side of the bed, praying for dear life he wasn't going to slam on the brakes and make you fly twenty feet in the air.

"But you already did those today, didn't you?" Wade inquired. Well, there's one question answered.

"Crystal, not Deludamol. Besides, dumbass, T.P. Industries needs to restock on its supplies at some point or another. Don't want the fans to get angry," he stated, seeming to punch the gas even harder. The three of you were easily clearing 100 miles an hour, if not more. 

"I hate to be a party pooper, but shouldn't somebody more... sober drive?" you timidly asked from the back. 

Trevor whipped his head around at you and snarled, "You just woke up. Studies show that those who just wake up and drive have a 509% higher chance of getting into a crash and dying." 

"Wow. You're so smart," Wade uttered in amazement. You had a feeling that statistic was pulled out of thin air, but you didn't want to get the man angry again, so you dropped it. 

"Here's the plan. We trail the van until it stops at a gas station. You-" Trevor instructed, gesturing at Wade, "distract them. While you're talking to them, you-" he continued, now pointing at you, "and I are gonna jump in the van and take it. Wade, make sure you play dumb. That shouldn't be too hard for you. Take my truck to the lab. I don't think they will, but if cops start following you, go somewhere else until you're sure you've lost them before bringing it back." 

The Bodhi hung a hard right onto the highway, causing you to shriek as you clung onto the side of the truck bed even tighter than before. It gradually slowed down until you spotted a gray van with "DELUDAMOL" printed in blue on the back. "I think I see it up there. How do you know it'll stop, anyways?"

"Easy. These vans barely clear 10 MPG because they haul so much, and they have teeny tiny gas tanks," Trevor explained. "There's a gas station about a mile ahead, so I'm gonna trail it and see if it stops there. Wade, remind me what you'e gonna do?"

"Talk to the driver and take your car," Wade recited. The pharmaceutical van moved to the right lane and kept its turn signal on.

"We got 'em," Trevor muttered. He followed the van, pulled around the back of the gas station, and parked. "Now's your time to shine, Wade." Giggling, Wade ran out of the truck.

"Who's gonna be driving?" You asked Trevor as you slowly trailed the juggalo. 

"You. I wanna see how well you can outmaneuver. That and I'm absolutely blasted."

"I thought I had a 509% higher chance of killing everybody?"

"Well, I think you've been awake long enough now." The pair of you finally made your way to the front of the station, where it was obvious Wade was in the middle of passionately explaining something. "Now's our chance. Act casual."

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