Chapter Eleven

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You and Gabi were in Rockford Hills. The whole ride there, she'd made you listen to Katy Perry's entire discography as she belted it off-key and with the wrong lyrics. Unlike you, Gabi's family had taken her on several vacations as a kid, but she'd never been to Los Santos or San Andreas before. It seemed every other second, she was letting out a gasp and excitedly pointing to something.

"Look, look, look, [Y/N]! Ponsonby's! I wish I was rich," she moaned while repeatedly smacking your shoulder.

"Tap me one more time and we're gonna get into a wreck! Let me focus on the road. We're almost there," you spoke through giggles. A night out with somebody who wasn't a guy would be a nice refresher. When you reached the De Santa house, the gate crept open.

"Look! A gate that moves by itself!" Gabi gasped, smacking your shoulder again.

"I see," you said warily. Once the gate was open wide enough, you slipped through and parked your car in front of the garage.

Gabi practically flung herself out of the car as she bounced around waiting for you. You got out of the car, passive aggressively taking your time, and sauntered up to the front door where Michael stood. 

"Where's the princess?" you asked teasingly. 

He gestured with his head to the stairs. "Up there, the door with all the flowers on it. Knock if you want to live."

Gabi trailing behind you, you made your way up the stairs and quickly spotted the door Michael was talking about. After you knocked a couple times, a voice came from behind. "What the F, Dad! I told you to leave me alone!"

"Guess again," you said. After a moment, Tracey peeked through the door and looked you and Gabi up and down. Gabi had stars swimming in her eyes.

"Hey," Gabi said dreamily. "I'm Gabi."

"Cool," Tracey replied. She pointed at you. "You're [Y/N], right? I've met you before." You nodded your head in reply and Tracey opened the door all the way up. The room was littered in pink-themed objects. "All right, what do we want to do tonight?"

"Anything you say," Gabi muttered dreamily. 

Clearing your throat, you nudged Gabi to wake her out of the trance she was in. "Do you know of anything we could do on the beach, maybe?"

"Do I? Hell yeah," Tracey snorted. "That isn't even a question." She took out her phone and began scrolling through various social media apps. "Okay... I found one right on Vespucci. Y'all brought swimsuits, right?"

"I, uh, just arrived," Gabi sheepishly explained, "and forgot to pack a swimsuit."

Tracey looked at Gabi before determining, "You're smaller than me. I'm a fucking pig. We're gonna have to go shopping. My car only fits two, so we'll have to go in yours."

Gabi shot you a side glance and did a small fist pump. You could nearly her her thinking, We're going shopping with a celebrity!

"Sounds like a plan," you said as the three of you left the room and descended the stairs. "My car's a POS though, just warning you beforehand."

"Whoa, you weren't lying," Tracey scoffed as she exited her house. "I call shotgun!"

You got into your car. Tracey was sitting beside you as Gabi climbed into the back. You handed Gabi your phone.

"Pull out the GPS, find a clothing store that won't put me in debt once we walk out, and give me the directions as I go."

"Left-- I mean right!" "Keep going straight for-- oh, we were supposed to turn!" Gabi kept messing up the directions until Tracey held her hand out.

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