Chapter Twenty-Three

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It had been one month total since Trevor had quit smoking meth. The initial withdrawal was the worst followed by the first week. After that, the symptoms of withdrawal had gotten less severe with each passing week. Trevor looked better, too; he'd quit the tedious scratching he'd done previously and there were no more self-inflicted cuts on his face, he'd filled out a little, and the bags beneath his eyes were less prominent. He'd admitted to you he didn't really crave it anymore, to your relief. You could tell he was feeling better already, and you were ready to trust him enough to let him be by himself. 

"Good mornin' to you," Trevor said cheerily as you drug yourself out of your room. He'd slept on your couch that night and Gabi took place beside you. To your amusement, Sadie had slept with Trevor on the couch. She was still on his feet snoring lightly as Trevor checked his phone for notifications. 

"Somebody's chipper today," you remarked with a smile, patting him on the head as you made your way into the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. 

"It's been a month today since I smoked speed," Trevor crowed as he puffed out his chest with pride. "Sorry, baby, I gotta get up," you heard him whisper to the cat as he moved his feet out from under her and stood up. 

"Yeah? How're you feeling today?" you asked him. It seemed his temperament didn't leave with the other side effects, unfortunately, but it didn't surprise you too much.

"Horny," he simply replied as he watched you pour milk into your cereal. 

"Good for you," you yawned with a chuckle. Trevor didn't know, but awhile back, you'd ordered some toys off Amazon which you hid under your bed and used whenever he was showering. Hey, it was better than nothing. Or at least better than getting involved with one of my housemates

"Oh, come on," Trevor begged, leaning over the island counter. "You're leaving me n' my boy confused. What did we do wrong?"

"First of all," you began, "please quit calling your dick your 'boy'. It makes me feel like I did something wrong to a child. Second of all, you didn't do anything wrong. I just... I just gotta get my life in order," you said. Saying "pussy as a sobriety prize" somehow felt wrong.

Trevor said nothing, only stared you down. Christ, it was unnerving when he did that. After a moment, he finally looked away and came toward you, presumably to get himself his own breakfast. To your surprise, he positioned himself behind you and began rubbing his groin against your ass. You could feel a boner needily poking you.

"Stop it," you said, shooing him away with one hand. "I'm trying to eat. Besides, Gabi's trying to sleep, so quit being so noisy." At this point, you were used to constant sexual harassment from the man. 

"You're no fun," Trevor pouted. "Hey, Gabi!" he shouted. You whipped your head towards him in an angry face and tried shushing him. He ignored you. "Wake up! I wanna fuck."

No comprehendible words came from the bedroom, only groans of annoyance and protest. A few moments later, Gabi emerged wearing a long t-shirt and short shorts.  "What're you talking about?" she grunted as she stumbled onto the couch. 

"Nothing that would ever involve you," Trevor said with a disappointed look on his face. He turned to you. "The moment's passed. What are we doing today, [Y/N]?"

"Nothing you told me about," you said after thinking for a moment. "Wanna go to Los Santos?"

"I suppose..." Trevor said, frowning in thought. "I actually have some business to attend to down there."

"Yeah?" you laughed. "Like what?"

"Strip club," he told you as he cracked his back. "Haven't been there in over a month, and I need to pick up the money I made from it. I've got, like, 25 grand worth of checks just sitting there in my office."

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