Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"A kid's birthday card," Trevor stated slowly over the phone. "Don't get one of those mature ones. He's anything but mature."

"Would 'birthday card for a son' be okay?" you asked.

"Mmgh... sure. I don't give a shit." The phone went to a dial tone after that. It was Wade's birthday today which was apparently a big deal. Considering the guy, you weren't surprised. Trevor had asked you to go out and get a card while he helped set up a surprise party with Ron. You'd never taken him to be the kind of person to set up a surprise party for an employee he didn't especially seem to value, but nothing Trevor did could be expected at this point.

You found a card you thought exuded both Trevor and Wade energy; it had a cartoony giraffe holding a carton of ice cream. On the front, it said 'You know what I think is giraffalicious, son?' and in the card it had the giraffe smearing the ice cream on a table with the words 'Your BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday to my amazing giraffalicious son.' Perfect. You grabbed it along with an envelope. You also decided to buy a rabbit plushie that sung The Hamsterdance, a $50 Burger Shot gift card, and some My Little Pony wrapping paper. Trevor had only given you $5, so you paid for most of it with your own money. At least you could say you got him a tangible gift.

You arrived at the address Trevor texted you, which you assumed was Wade's abode, to find the front door of the trailer open with the upper half of the door's window broken through. You shook your head and sighed as you made your way in to see Trevor and Ron putting up some sad streamer decorations.

"I got it along with some other gifts. Thought he deserved more than just a card," you said as you showed Trevor what you'd gotten.

"He's getting more than a card, don't you worry your pretty little head about it," Trevor muttered as he got off the footstool he was using.

"I'm sure whatever he's getting will be the best," Ron insisted.

"Well, what did you get him, then?" you asked, sitting down on the floor and opening the wrapping paper as you spoke.

"It's more of a surprise than this party," Trevor snickered. "You'll know soon enough."

"Alright, whatever," you muttered as you wrapped the stuffed rabbit up. "You want me to sign your name in the card, or are you wanting to do that yourself?"

"Give me a moment," said Trevor. He went back a couple steps to examine his handiwork before sauntering over to you, grabbing the pen in your hand, and crouching down to sign it.

"It's gonna be a really big party, you know," Ron said. "Just about everybody Wade knows is coming."

"Yeah, Ron, we fucking know," Trevor muttered as soon as he finished scrawling his name on the card. "I hope none of these bozos snitched." You'd barely noticed, but the trailer had been slowly filling with people as you'd been focused on getting your gifts presentable. "All right." Trevor raised his voice to address the small crowd of people. "He should be about two minutes away now, so everybody get in a hiding place."

Ron quickly flicked one light off as Trevor forcefully threw a spoon at the other light and broke the bulb. Trevor gently grabbed your wrist, much to Ron's disgust, and made the two of you hunch behind Wade's dingy dining table. You took care not to wrinkle or crumple the gift as you kneeled down. When you felt Trevor's arm brush behind you to wrap you in a half-hug half-huddle, you leaned into him and smiled while softly sighing. He said nothing so as to keep the silence in the trailer, only giving you a soft kiss on the top of the head as acknowledgement of your action.

You could have stayed there forever, but just as Trevor had predicted, Wade was heard approaching the front door.

"What? How'd this get broken again?" you heard Wade mutter. A key went into the door only for Wade to realize it was unlocked. He pushed it open with his usual dazed expression plastered on his face only for it to explode into a grin when he saw everybody pop out from behind various appliances shouting good wishes. "Oh my goodness!"

Rest, Weary Traveller | GTA V Fanfic [Trevor x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now