Chapter Sixteen

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You awoke to an arm gently wrapping around your torso. You groggily opened your eyes; all the lights were off except the bathroom lights whose rays shone through a crack in the door. A battery-powered clock read that it was 3:17 AM. There was no noise save Michael's loud snoring. You grunted and tossed around a little in an effort to get the arm off you. I made a mistake, you thought with a grimace. I shouldn't have done any of that. 

"Getoffame," you grumbled as the arm continued to persist.

"Tough luck, babe," Trevor hissed back, now grabbing you tightly. 

"I'm not your babe," you whispered. "It was a one-time deal. I had to get my mind off the existential dread and... things. Now let me go or else I'll piss myself right here and now." 

"Piss yourself? Hmm, you're lucky I'm into that," Trevor said as he released his grip. "I'll be here when you're done..."

You quickly got up and made your way into the bathroom, wincing as your eyes adjusted to the light. You relieved yourself, then went to the sink when you saw your physical state in the mirror and gasped. You were covered in hickeys, mostly on your neck; there were scratch marks down your stomach and back along with bruises from where you'd been held; and to top it all off, there was a bloody, bruised bite mark on your inner right breast. 

Not sure how to remedy your wounds, the first thing you thought of was to turn on the shower. As the water got to a comfortable temperature, you locked the door, then moved the curtain so you could hop in. 

You yawned and stretched as you washed the sweat and sex away. With no conditioner or shampoo available in the bunker, you'd have to go with a simple soap-down. You took the pine-scented soap and began working from your feet up. You were at your thighs when the shower curtain peeled aside.

Your first instinct was to ram a fist into whatever had pulled the curtain and exposed you. Unfortunately, that 'whatever' was Trevor. You self-consciously pulled the curtain around your body as he recovered from the blow.

"Why'd you do that?" Trevor hissed.

"Why'd I do that? You broke into the bathroom! I locked the damn door!" you retorted, trying to stay quiet so as not to wake up Michael.

"Yeah, and I unlocked it," he mocked as he eyed you up and down. "What's up with the curtain? I already know what you look like under there."

"Can I please just take a shower without you bugging me?" you pleaded.



"I was lying in bed, thinking. Then, I realized I had a question for you that's kind of pressing." He stepped into the shower, blinking as water droplets grazed his eyelashes.

"Can it wait? I'm busy here!"

"Could it wait? Yeah. Will it wait? Now that I'm here, no." He stepped closer to you and you realized you'd backed yourself against the wall. "You're on the pill, right?"

"Seriously? You had to step inside the shower to ask me if I'm on birth control?!" You were exasperated at his nerve. "N-no. But it doesn't matter, does it? You guys are too old to, you know..."

"Fuck." He scowled at you. "The education system doesn't fail to fail, does it? That's not how it works, [Y/N]. Haven't you ever seen those celebrity men having their tenth kid at age 90?" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know what? Whatever. I'll get you a Plan B."

"Oh. Okay, I guess." You both stood in the shower; you were waiting for him to leave, and God knows what he was waiting for. Finally, he began to leave the shower when a question popped into your head. "Hey, wait."

Rest, Weary Traveller | GTA V Fanfic [Trevor x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now