Chapter Ten

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It had been two days since your massive fight with Trevor. You'd tried texting him multiple times to no avail, and when that didn't work, you went knocking on his trailer door at least once every other hour, to which he didn't answer either. Ron had watched you do this several times with a glare of contempt on his face.

"That's what you get for hurting him like that," Ron viciously spat at you on one occasion. 

When you weren't blowing up his phone or knocking on his door, you were in bed binge watching Golden Girls and eating bowl upon bowl of ice cream. You kept asking yourself, Why do I feel this way? It's not like we were dating and broke up. You knew the answer, though. A small part of you really liked him and he'd made it painfully obvious he liked you. Regardless of those facts, though, you were friends above anything else. 

It didn't help that Gabi wasn't answering any of your texts, either. You needed a girl to conference with, and your main one was AWOL. For a few moments here and there, you'd considered texting Tracey de Santa, but that would mean asking Michael for her number as well as divulging the situation to her, and she seemed like quite the gossip girl from her first impression. 

At around four in the afternoon, you'd reached a season finale and you were intensely watching as you downed your third pint of ice cream that day. Right when the episode was reaching its most climactic part, your phone buzzed, causing you to yelp in surprise. You immediately turned the TV off and your heart skipped a beat: after two days of being left on read, Trevor had replied.

33.394939, -116.054202  was all the text said. You looked at the numbers in confusion before realizing they were coordinates to somewhere. Worried something bad had happened to Trevor, you frantically opened your map app and copy-pasted the coordinates to find they led to the Sandy Shores Airfield. 

Your mind whirling as you tried to figure out what to do next, you figured it would be wise to call somebody and let them know where you were going in case you disappeared, too. You fiddled with your phone, waffled between Franklin and Michael, then chose to call Trevor's best friend.

"Yello?" Michael's voice was the one thing keeping you sane right now.

"Oh, God, holy shit, Michael, something's really wrong," you began to chatter. "Trevor and I got into it two days ago and I haven't heard a peep from him since, and he just now texted me coordinates to the airfield in Sandy Shores!"

You were met by a dry chuckle. "[Y/N], you do know the airfield's owned by T, right?"

"What? Why would he own an airfield?"

"He's a pilot. That's kind of what he does."

"Oh... that explains the flag on his trailer's wall."

"Yep... I'll see you soon, [Y/N]. Bye." You were met with a dial tone as you felt stupider than ever.

"What kind of game are you trying to play, Trevor?" you shouted aloud as you put on some clothes. You hoofed it to the airfield at 60 miles an hour to see a defaced Frogger helicopter on the ground with blades still moving from the recent flight it took. You saw Trevor hop out and walk toward you with an enthusiastic smile on his face.

"I did it!" he exclaimed. His arms were open in a hugging gesture as he triumphantly shouted, "I fixed the problem!"

"Huh? What problem are you talking about?" you asked, perplexed by his declaration.

"You said you missed Gabi, so I brought Gabi here! Granted, she's just a little bound and gagged, but she'll be fine, soon as she gets a pint of water in her system."

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