Chapter Twenty-Nine

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 A couple days had passed since the gasoline incident, and Trevor had stayed within your expectations since. After Wade's birthday party, he'd been in more frequent communication with both you and Trevor. You were tidying up the aftermath of Sadie absolutely destroying a cardboard box when your phone rang; the caller ID was none other than Wade.

"Hey, [Y/N], it's Wade. Remember me?" Wade asked.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" you said with a giggle. What he lacked in brains he made up for in character.

"Is Trevor there? I've got an important question I want to ask you guys," Wade said. There was a hint of excitement to his voice.

"Yeah, lemme get him. Hold on a second." You held the phone to your chest as you went into the bedroom where Trevor was reading Jane Eyre. He'd only started it that morning, yet he was already 1/5 of the way through the thick book. He was certainly a man of many mysteries. "Trevor?" you called softly.

He looked up from his book and at you. "What's up?" 

"Wade wants to talk to both of us."

"Great," Trevor muttered. He scooted over on the bed to make space for you, then patted the bed. "Come 'ere." Once you'd hopped beside him, he said, "Put the phone on speaker. Hello, Wade. This better be good."

"It is, don't worry. I called that radio station Ron's on and I won four tickets to the petting zoo near the wind farm. You know, the new one?" Wade said, unable to hide the excitement in his voice.

"Okay," Trevor said, "what about it?"

"Well, I got the tickets in the mail today. One ticket's for me, one's for Ron since he's the one who gave 'em to me, and I was thinking you two could be the other people I go with," Wade explained.

"Hmm." Trevor thought to himself for a moment. "I got nothing better to do today. Fuck it, we'll meet you there. What time?"

"Uh, is an hour from now okay?" Wade inquired.

Trevor glanced at you to make sure you were fine with it. "Yeah, that's fine. See you an hour from now." Trevor ended the call for you and obnoxiously groaned. "I did not envision spending the better part of my day with Wade and Ron." He glanced at you and flashed a coy smile. "I'd much rather be all over and in you instead."

"Keep it down," you chastised. "Gabi's here." You had no clue how long you were going to hide the fact that you and Trevor were an item from here, but you knew you wanted to as long as possible so as to avoid her wrath. Was it a good idea? Probably not. Were you going through with it anyways? Of course.

Trevor rolled his eyes. "My fuckin' bad."

An hour later, you found yourself in the petting zoo parking lot meeting up with Wade and Ron.

"Did you know birds are government drones?" Ron asked Trevor with a concerned expression.

"I've never met a drone that tasted so delicious," Trevor replied with a smirk. Wade simply gawked in surprise at Trevor. "Now, my boy, get us in there and let's overstimulate some poor, morbidly obese animals who live better than half the people in this waste of a world!"

"They're very happy here, Trevor," Wade insisted defensively as he handed the tickets to the cashier, who in turn stamped everybody's hands.

"Um..." the cashier, a teenage boy with dark hair and dark clothes, struggled to find a spot that wasn't overridden with tattoos on that part of his body. Trevor sighed, shook his head, leaned forward, and gestured to his forehead. "I- uh-"

"Listen-" Trevor glanced at the nametag- "Micah. Just stamp my forehead instead, that way people don't think I broke in."

Micah gawked at Trevor, not sure what to do, so Trevor snatched the stamp from Micah's trembly hands and rammed it into his face about ten times before Micah gathered himself together and took the stamp from Trevor. "Have a good time, sir."

Rest, Weary Traveller | GTA V Fanfic [Trevor x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now