Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Hey. I miss you." 

"It's two in the afternoon. Don't you have better things to do than standing outside my window instead of just letting yourself in or doing literally anything else?" you asked, equally amused as you were annoyed. Trevor had been bothering you ever since you'd left his side a week ago. He seemed to be keeping clean, to your relief, but he really meant it when he said he wanted to keep having "sleepovers". He'd been harassing you every day, much to Gabi's annoyance.

"Do we have to let him in again?" Gabi muttered with a scowl. Sadie was sitting on her lap lazily watching the TV as the two of you played Mario Kart together.

You understood why she didn't like him: besides kidnapping her, he was a sadistic criminal whose list of alleged crimes was longer than the Lannahechee River. His mind was a fucked up minefield that could kill a person should they trod in the wrong area. Regardless of the million reasons you should've wanted to stay as far away from him as possible, though, there was something about him that you didn't want to be without.  

"Come on, Gabi, have a heart," you said. You began to get up so you could unlock the door, but Trevor managed to pick the lock before you could make your way to the door. Upon seeing him, Sadie leapt off Gabi's lap to run and greet Trevor by weaving around his legs and letting out a content chirp or two. Trevor bent down to greet the cat by giving her an affectionate itch down the spine. You had to admit, there was something hot about a man who liked cats, and Sadie was pretty specific with the people she liked. 

"I'm glad somebody's happy to see me," Trevor said while shooting a glare at Gabi. She said nothing in reply, only scowled back. He followed you back to the couch and sat to your right so you were snug between him and Gabi. He tried to sneak an arm around you, but Gabi batted it away from her. 

"Don't touch me!" she exclaimed.

"I wasn't  touching you. Trust me, I wouldn't want to touch you with a ten-foot pole. I was trying to touch [Y/N]. Big difference," Trevor sneered at her.

"Stop it!" you shouted, throwing your head back and throwing your hands in the air from desperation. "Get along for five fucking minutes, will you please?"

Trevor had an odd look about his face as his gaze flicked between you and Gabi, and you didn't like it. It was as if he were pondering some sinister idea. After a moment of tense silence, he finally broke it. "Do you guys have any coconut shavings?"

"What?" you and Gabi asked in unison. Your mouth twitched, forming the beginnings of a smile, but you kept it restrained as best you could.

"Co-co-nut shay-veens," Trevor said louder, emphasizing each syllable. "You know, it's from the cocoa plant? It tastes different than chocolate. It's chocolate cum or something, I don't know."

You further suppressed a snort. "I'm actually pretty sure coconut plants and cocoa plants are two different plants. I don't have any coconut shavings, though. Why?"

Trevor rolled his eyes as if the answer were obvious. "I want to eat some coconut shavings."

"Why would I just have some of those lying around?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

Gabi groaned as she listened to the debate. "Let's go get some fucking coconut shavings. We can get more stuff at the store too while we're at it." Gabi named items that you needed to pick up off as you wrote them down.

"You got the grocery list?" Gabi asked, checking the fridge over once more to make sure you got everything you needed in the trip.

"Yep," you said as finished writing the last item on a scrap of paper. "Ready to go?"

Rest, Weary Traveller | GTA V Fanfic [Trevor x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now