Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Mmm," you grunted. You were still in the hazy fog of waking up, and had turned around only to find it was just you and Sadie in bed. As soon as you grunted, a sharp pain coursed through your head and you recalled what had happened the night before. Shit. Hopefully Gabi would perceive this all as a drunk mistake on both your parts and nothing more. You laid in bed for a few minutes before forcing yourself to get up and make your way out of the bedroom, door still open courtesy of Gabi, to find some pills to alleviate your hangover.

You were disappointed to find Gabi hadn't laid out any hangover medication like the last time you'd been drunk. She was instead in all her glory crashed on Trevor's couch in a fetal position, mouth open and drool glistening on the couch arm. "Mmm," you moaned again before looking at the bathroom to see that the door was closed. You looked from the door to Gabi back to the door. If you opened it quietly enough, Trevor probably wouldn't yell and wake Gabi up. You cautiously opened the bathroom door; to your surprise, Trevor wasn't in there, either. You used the restroom and ate breakfast in silence, figuring Trevor had simply woken up first by nothing short of a miracle and was doing one thing or another. After cleaning up the table, you went outside- still careful to be quiet until the front door was closed- and tried calling Trevor. After a few rings, it went to the answering machine. You tried calling a few more times, your anxiety increasing every time you heard his voicemail greeting.

Where is he? Your thoughts went to worst case scenarios. Dead in a ditch somewhere? Drove off a cliff into the ocean? Wrong people found him at the wrong time?  You looked to your right where Ron's trailer sat. You sighed and made your way over there to knock on his door. Maybe Trevor was in there with his phone on silent. You heard a multitude of locks click before the door crept open. Ron was looking at you through narrowed eyes with a still-smoking pipe of Chef's finest in his hand.

"What do you want?" His voice was wary and his eyes were darting all over the place as he took an inhale of his meth and blew it out the door and unintentionally into your face.

You coughed and waved it away before looking at him and saying, "Do you know where Trevor is?"

Ron's expression turned serious. "T's not with you?" Before you could answer, Ron dismissively waved his hand. "He's probably just taking himself some Trevor time. He's a genius, and he needs some time to himself every now and then." You weren't able to get another word in before the door slammed shut and you could hear the locks resuming their duties.

Well, that was helpful. You rolled your eyes and thought about who you should ask next. Wade? He'd been there last night, maybe he'd returned for something. You didn't feel like going all the way to Wade's trailer, so you just whipped out your phone and called him.

"Hello?" Wade's voice had never been nicer to hear.

"Wade, hey, it's [Y/N]. Have you seen Trevor today? Or do you know where he's at?" The questions came out rushed, and it took Wade awhile to process your question and formulate an answer.

"I only saw him last night before you put me to bed," Wade said slowly and thoughtfully. "I don't know where he's at. Have you asked Ron?"

"Yeah, I've asked him," you whined. "Where do you think he'd be right now?"

"I couldn't tell you. Maybe he's in Los Santos. Call one of his friends and see if they've seen him?" Wade thought aloud.

You didn't say anything at first, just nodded until you realized he couldn't see you. "Yes, that's a great idea." You hung up and began scrolling through your contacts as quickly as possible until you saw Franklin's name. You speed-dialed him and it took a few rings, but he eventually picked up.

Rest, Weary Traveller | GTA V Fanfic [Trevor x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now