Chapter Fourteen

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You flipped a U-turn once the Bayview Lodge was out of sight; this time, Trevor and Michael's windows were closer to the lodge than yours. You rolled their windows down and felt sticky, hot air fill the car as you progressively slowed down. 

"You ready?" Trevor asked as he loaded his gun and gave you a side glance of curiosity.

"Ready as I'll ever be," you replied grimly. You'd been hoping the van would be unattended to avoid tragedies, but you supposed it had to come sooner or later with the job. Michael's face didn't betray whatever he may have been thinking, and Trevor's eyes had a hungry, malicious, and dark gleam to them as if he looked forward to slaughtering the guards. He took his left hand off his gun to briefly fidget with his shorts and you noticed there was a quickly-rising lump beneath the pale cloth. Jesus Christ, does he get off on this? Sick fuck.

As you approached the lodge, Michael and Trevor slowly tensed in unison and aimed their guns at two of the guards before letting fire. The guards they were aiming at fell to the ground while the other Lost members scrambled to get their guns and began firing at your car. You drifted behind one of the lodge's buildings so all of you could get out without being shot at. After you all jumped out, you went back in to grab your backpack, then locked the doors. 

"You really had to grab that?" Trevor shouted in amusement. You gave a shrug as you used your car for cover to aim and fire. A sick twist engulfed your stomach as you watched the man you'd just shot keel over and die. This wasn't a hunting trip, and these weren't elk. They were humans. They probably had brothers. Or sisters. Parents and kids...

"Quit overthinking it and keep moving!" Michael shouted over the cacophony as if reading your mind. He's right. You ducked, reloaded, and continued picking off the guards until the three of you were close enough to get in. "All right, let's go," Michael grunted as he opened the passenger door.

As you climbed into the driver's seat, a heavy force pushed you forward. You slammed the door and looked behind you only to find there was nobody there who could have moved you so forcefully. You moved your thoughts to the situation you were currently preoccupied in and noticed the keys were in the van. What kind of idiot leaves the keys in?  you thought as you turned on the ignition. You did a quick visual sweep to make sure everybody was in the van; Michael was beside you and Trevor was behind you looking at his new toys.

You hit reverse, did a 180, and began driving away at full speed. "Fuck," you said in excitement, "that seemed too easy!" You slapped the side of the steering wheel, unable to control your energy, then quickly grabbed it as something pushed the van sideways. You looked out your rearview mirrors and saw MC vans on either side of you.

"Shit," you thought aloud, "is this a setup?"

"No! It can't be! Probably can't be... I don't know," Trevor said as he poked his head between the front seats and examined what you were up against. 

"Goddamnit, Trevor!" Michael moaned while pressing his hands to his temples. "You need some better sources."

"Shut up and let me think!" you snapped as the two began to bicker over Trevor's source and their credibility. You slowly inched ahead of your pursuers as you hit the gas with all your might. Trying your best to keep a level head, you examined the sides of the road in an effort to find a place to turn into. That's it!  You spotted a dirt road not too far away. You took a deep breath and shouted, "Hold on!" as you made a 90 degree turn into Paleto Forest. 

"Jesus fucking fuck!" Trevor shouted as everything began falling onto him. 

Attempting to stifle a laugh, Michael managed to say with a straight face, "So, are there actually guns in there? Or was I right?"

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