Chapter 74- Ophelia's POV

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I haven't been able to fall asleep tonight. See, I'm going to St. Mungo's tomorrow with Mum and Dad for an appointment to see if I'll ever get the hearing back in my ear, or if these headaches will ever officially go away. And I'm terrified.

Normally I would talk to Freddie about this shit. Or hell, I would even take Cassie at this point. Chandler, my best friend in the entire world is busy with school and I don't want to bother him with it, and Theo and Annie are too young and naïve to understand why I'm so worked up about it all.

I've been lying in my bed, eyes wide open, staring at my ceiling for about three hours now. Three hours of trying to calm myself down enough to actually get some rest before tomorrow but it's not working.

I groan and roll myself out of bed, a cup of tea always seems to make me feel better, seems to make all of us feel better when we can't sleep. Dad figured that trick out when he and Mum were just dating. A cup of tea in the middle of the night will get any LeStrange to sleep in a matter of minutes.

I put on one of Dad's old quidditch jumpers that he gave me a while back and put on some big socks before I open my bedroom door and slip out into the hallway.

I turn the corner into the living room and Dad is sitting on the couch, half-asleep, a notebook open on his chest, order forms from the shop spread out on the coffee table. I step into the room and a floorboard creaks. "Vi darling, I'll be in bed in a few hours. Go to bed." Dad sits up on the couch a bit and looks at me, "Hey bub, thought you were Mum... what're you doing awake?"

"I'm nervous," I say, putting my hands in my pockets, "About tomorrow.... I guess today now...?"

Dad yawns and stretches his arms up, knocking his notebook off his chest, "What part scares you the most?" He shuffles over on the couch and pats the spot beside him. I go over and curl up into his side.

"What if I don't get my hearing back?" I whisper, "Or what if I can never go back to Hogwarts? Or if I can't play quidditch anymore? I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life and be taught by Mum. She's driving me mental."

Dad laughs and pulls me closer to him, "Having two working ears is overrated."

"Okay, but can you say the same thing about Hogwarts? Or quidditch? What if you weren't allowed to play quidditch anymore?"

"Your Uncle Fred, Uncle Harry, and I have a lifelong ban from playing quidditch at Hogwarts so I know how it feels. It's not the end of the world if you can't do it anymore." Dad says.

"Wasn't that the same year that you essentially ran away from Hogwarts?"


"So you weren't allowed to pay quidditch anymore and you ended up running away from the school entirely. Sorry, Dad but that doesn't really help my mood."

Dad laughs, then sighs, then doesn't do anything for a while. We just sit there in silence. The crackling fire and the snoring from Annie and Theo's room are the only sounds besides me and Dad's breathing.

"Alright. Get up. We've got leftover pizza in the fridge and I'll make some tea." Dad says finally. He gets up from the couch and I fall over into the spot that he was just sitting in.

"Tea and pizza? Gross Dad," I say, my voice muffled by the couch cushions.

"You're the one that I've found eating pickles covered in peanut butter young lady. I don't think you have any right to judge my tea and pizza."

When Dad says pickles, our cat Pickles, wakes up and looks at me from the chair that he was sleeping on, Maurice, our other cat, is sleeping on his back, his paws up in the air.

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