Part 2, Chapter 98- Cassiopeia's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! If all goes according to plan, I'll have another chapter up later today so keep an eye on your notifications! Until then... enjoy! xx


Some people hate holding hands with their partner. They think it's gross, sweaty, whatever the case may be.

I love it. Absolutely adore it when Theseus holds my hand as we walk around the streets of London.

I also think that if I wasn't holding his hand he would run off like a little kid and I'd never be able to find him again. He gets excitable like that, it's adorable.

"I think you'll really like this next one," Theseus says to me. He kisses my hand a few times, "It's great. Truly. I was talking with the person selling it and he said that it's one of the best places to live in the city."

We're looking at flats all day. It's a week till Freddie's wedding. A week and a day till Ophelia leaves. This is the third flat we've seen today. The others, according to Theseus, were 'far too basic' for his taste. I'm honestly a little nervous as to where he's taking me next.

"I liked the last one we looked at, the little one on top of that dumpling place?" I say to him, "It's right downtown and it's small and quaint... I could see us living there.

Theseus brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses my knuckles, "Here we are," he says before leading me up towards a huge red brick building... okay building is the wrong word for it... it looks more like a castle.

"This is an apartment building?" I ask him as he opens the big gold door.

He nods, "Trust me, you'll love it."

He leads me up the stairs, to the very top floor and opens an even bigger golden door into the flat.

Flat isn't the right word for where we are right now.


"A penthouse?" I look at him, "Theseus we're two eighteen-year-olds, we don't need..."

Theseus looks up at the huge crystal and gold chandelier in the entrance hall, "Eight bedrooms, nine bathrooms. The bathrooms are covered in gold and marble... the floors are solid wood..."

"Theseus!" I pull him to a stop and look at him head-on, "Eight bedrooms? Nine bathrooms? What – who is going to clean them all?"

"We'll get house elves!"

"We're not getting house elves!"

Theseus steps forward and turns to look at me, "Come on love, can't you see us here?"

I cross my arms over my chest and look around, "Honestly? No. It's huge, and so uninviting... how much does this place even cost?"

"A little over a million pounds a year?" Theseus says, slowly realizing that I'm not as into this place as he thought I was going to be.

"A million – I shouldn't even be breathing in here Theseus. I – absolutely not," I turn out of the... bloody mansion that we were standing in and I don't stop walking till I'm outside and Theseus grabs my arm.

"Cass! Cassiopeia!" Theseus tugs on my arm just a little to get me to turn around so I'm looking at him, "I'm sorry."

"Is that... is that really how you want to live? Big and fancy and uppity like that?" I look at him carefully, "Cause I thought we were on the same page. A small flat to start, and then a house that's not a mansion..."

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