Chapter 86- Cassiopeia's POV

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**A/N** Hey guys! The following images are of Georgette Weber and Shawn Fletcher. 

Georgette Weber^^^

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Georgette Weber^^^

Georgette Weber^^^

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Shawn Fletcher^^^

Let me know in the comments what you think of their appearances! Lot's of love xx


"Can anyone tell me what a Red Cap is?" Our Defense Against the Dark arts Professor, Mister Kerensa asks the class after we've all settled into our seats.

Instantly both me and Theseus raise our hands, after a moment of Professor Kerensa hoping that someone else will raise their hands, he gives up, "Miss Weasley if you please."

I bring my hand out of the air and make sure that I am sitting perfectly straight before I answer, "Red Caps are small, dwarf-like creatures who live in the holes of old battlegrounds or where ever human blood has been shed..."

"They like to beat muggles to death if they are walking alone at night. But for a wizard, they're easy to defeat." Theseus interrupts me. The way he says it doesn't sit right with me, almost like he's bragging that muggles are weak and useless against Red Caps while Wizards are simply superior. Course, that's exactly what he's saying.

"Well done you two, five points each." Professor Kerensa turns back around to his chalkboard and picks up his pointers stick. He then pulls on a string dangling in front of his desk and a big tapestry of a Red Cap unravels itself and hangs from the ceiling.

"Now, in order to see if what you are dealing with really is a Red Cap, you look for what distinguishing features?" Kerensa turns to look at the class and his head drops a little when he sees that only Theseus and I have our hands up again.

"Mister Avery,"

Theseus looks at me out of the corner of his eye like he's bragging that he got chose first or something, "The Red Cap got its name for the red, cap-shaped growth on the top of its head..."

"One may think that it's just a growth, but recent studies have shown that it is actually where the Red Cap's heart is located. Instead of its own blood, a Red Cap's heart pumps the blood of whoever died where it was spawned." I interrupt Theseus the same way that he interrupted me. He turns his head and looks at me with a sour look on his face but I just smile innocently.

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