Part 2, Chapter 5- Theo's POV

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"Can we go to the common room so I can redo these notes? I hate how they look."

Lucy, Gilbert, Oscar, and I are walking through the halls, away from our Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"What did you even take notes on? It was just two hours of Kerensa talking about his summer." Gilbert says to her, nudging her with his shoulder as he speaks. We walk out of the corridor and out onto the grand staircase. I look over the railing and notice that the entire entrance hall is covered in bright orange... something, and Mister Filch is muddling around with a mop bucket.

"Shoot me a text when you guys figure out where you'll be. I'm gonna go do something." I say to my friends, "If you end up at the library can you save me one of those old computers? I've got to print out a bunch of posters for the H.A.N.D protest this month."

"We're on it chief," Gilbert says giving me a weird salute thing before heading off up the stairs.

I started H.A.N.D, also known as Humans Against Non-human Discrimination after Aunt Hermione and I spent the day together one summer after my first year here. As Minister of Magic, she's been fighting for equal rights for non-human beings in the wizarding world for a long time but lots of other people in the ministry have backwards beliefs and whenever she brings that matter to the table it's always shot down by the other voting members in the ministry.

It pissed me off, which is a pretty hard thing to do, so me being me took Aunt Mione's idea of S.P.E.W and changed it. It's a lot more in your face now, and by in your face, I mean the entire Hufflepuff house and a few other students get together once a month and stage a protest. This time we're going to be chaining ourselves to McGonagall's office with some of the prank chain and handcuffs that Dad sells in the shop.

Hugo and Alice help me run it cause fighting against years of built-up crap that humans are superior and thus deserve more rights than house-elves and other living things is fucking hard.

"Mister Filch!" I say cheerily when I get to the bottom of the stairs.

He turns around and looks at me with a scowl, "You ruddy Weasleys have done enough today. You think that just because it's my job, you can make me clean up anything, don't you? Poor Mister Filch doesn't have a wand to make things easier. Look at Mister Filch with his mop bucket."

"I came by to see if you needed some help cleaning it up. It's a pretty big mess and I know that the other professors have classes to teach." I cut him off mid-rant and pull out my wand with a half-smile on my face, "Only if you want it, of course, I don't want to step on your toes."

I don't think anyone has ever been nice to Filch before because I swear his eyes get all watery for a second. He stops mopping and leans on the handle, "Pulling my leg now eh? Just going to make a bigger mess for me to clean just like your daft sister?"

"No? Magic is a gift and gifts are best when they're shared." I point my wand at the mess of orange stuff on the ground closest to me, Filch shuts his eyes tight like he's preparing himself for a hex or something, "Tergeo!"

A pale yellow light shoots out of my wand and hits the floor. It turns itself into a fine line of magic and sweeps across the orange stuff on the floor and walls, removing it clean off and leaving the floor cleaner than I've ever seen it.

Mister Filch opens his eyes one at a time and looks at the ground, then to me, then back to the ground, then to me one more time.

"Let me know if my sister leaves any more messes and stuff, you shouldn't have to spend all day on something that took her maybe an hour to set up." I put my wand back in my pocket and rock back and forth on my heels for a second, "See you around Mister Filch." I say before turning around and heading back up the stairs.

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