Chapter 42- Ophelia's POV

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"Alright, guys gather close cause I'm only going to say this once!" Dominique shouts at us before our quidditch game against Ravenclaw. "Ravenclaws team is good this year, very good. Their seeker has caught the snitch nearly every game. I need the rest of you to score as many fucking points as possible before she gets the chance to pluck the snitch out of the sky. I would tell Floyd to catch the snitch before her but let's be honest here that's not going to happen."

We all stifle our laughter. Molly is the captain of the Ravenclaw team, she's also their seeker. Dom's not wrong, Molly tends to get the snitch in the opening ten minutes. Always.

"Any my parents are in the stands so if you cost me this match I will personally come to your house over the summer holiday and beat the shit out of you. Understand?" Dom says as she picks up her broom.

We all get together at the changing room entrance into the pitch and wait for our cue. "Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur are here?" I say to Dom quietly.

She straightens her shoulders, "Yeah. McGonagall let them stop by cause it's one of my last games here at Hogwarts. Aunt Audrey is here too, supporting Mol."

"Uncle Percy's not here?" I say to her.

Dom cracks her neck and rolls her shoulders, "Nope. Why would he be? He hates quidditch."

"I just – I mean it's one of Molly's last games too I thought he'd make face," I say awkwardly.

Dom looks down at me, she looks so badass in her quidditch gear and her hair braided in two long braids down her back, "You're joking right?"

"Witches, Wizards, and non-binary Wizarding folks! Welcome to the match of matches! Slytherin versus Ravenclaw! This is a very special one because our two teams are both lead by Weasleys! What's a little family competition am I right?" the commentator, Marmaduke shouts into the microphone.

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, then the Ravenclaw quidditch chant, 'RAVENCLAW WE GOTTA WIN 'EM ALL!' Rumour has it that a muggle-born started the chant and they all joined in, none of the kids from a magic family knew about Pokémon so they went along with it.

We wait till the crowd starts to chant, 'DETERMINED TO WIN BRING OUT SLYTHERIN!' before we walk out onto the pitch.

The cheering of the crowd always makes me feel a certain kind of way. Sure they're not cheering for me specifically but I like to pretend that they are.

Besides the same name on the back of their quidditch jerseys, you'd never be able to tell that Molly and Dominique are related, let alone basically best friends. They stand in front of each other with a dark look of determination on their faces. More so Dominique than Molly but I think that's just because of Molly's glasses.

"Shake hands, girls." Madam Hooch says. Dom and Molly shake hands a few times then step away from each other. "I want a nice, clean game. I'd rather not be sending anyone to the hospital wing today."

Famous last words.

Hooch blows her whistle and everyone soars into the sky. I take my place at the keeper's posts and I can see Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur standing in the teacher's podium watching the game with big smiles on their faces. I wonder if mum and dad will ever come to one of my games?

"And Weasley sends a bludger right into Mendoza's chest! Malfoy picks up the quaffle and he soars down the pitch, dodging Nelson, dodging the bludger sent his way by Bir! He's going all-in folks!"

The crowd breaks out into screaming as Scorpius sinks the quaffle into one of the Ravenclaw goal posts.

"We're number one, not two, not three, not four! We're gonna win not lose not tie the score! We're on the top not the bottom not in-between! Come on Slytherin let me hear you SCREAM!" Someone from behind my goalpost shouts, and just like they asked, the entire Slytherin house breaks into screams and shouts.

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