Chapter 43- Freddie's POV

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"OPHELIA!" I shout as I watch my little sister tumble out of the air. Louis and I both practically jump over the people sitting in front of us and storm the pitch. Dom is shoving the guy. He wasn't even a fucking beater! He grabbed Amar's bat outta his hands and hit a bludger towards her for no fucking reason.

The Slytherin team is holding Dominique back, she's screaming in a mixture of French and English. I walk past Molly and Scorpius who are with Leah on the ground. They've got her. I've got this.

In one swift movement, I throw myself at the dumbass and just start punching. Blind, red hot rage courses through my whole body. He falls backwards and I land on top of him, I don't stop till someone physically pulls me off of him. Then more people are holding onto me. Flitwick goes over to the bleeding kid on the ground.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU!" I shout as loud as I fucking can, thrashing against the people who have got a hold of me.

"Let's go, Fred. Come on." I recognize the voice but it's drowned out by the sound of pulsing blood in my ears.

I swear I see Aunt Fleur and Aunt Audrey walking Dom off the pitch, but that doesn't make sense. They can't be here.

"Thanks, boys I can take it from here." The same familiar voice says. Two sets of hands let me go.

"I'm gonna go up to the hospital wing. I'll see you up there Dad." Louis says.

That's when I turn around and I'm face to face with Uncle Bill. He looks worried more than he does mad. I think that's a good thing... for me at least.

"Are you alright? Because Ophelia needs you right now. Not the angry, aggressive 'I'll kill you and everyone you love' Fred. She needs you." Uncle Bill says to me, his hands on my shoulders.

I take a deep breath, "I'm fine. I'm fucking fantastic." Uncle Bill can see right through my bullshit cause he literally rolls his eyes at me.

"Go beat up that tree if you're still mad." He says, letting go of my shoulders.

I turn around and look where he's looking, then look back at him. "You want me to go beat up... a tree?"

"It's what Fleur and I did with Dom when she was younger so she would stop hitting Louis every time she got annoyed with something. Go beat up that tree, I've gotta call your parents and tell them what happened." Uncle Bill pulls out his phone and presses the screen a few times, "Go!" He says to me before putting his phone to his ear.

I walk away from him and towards the nearest tree. I stand in front of it for a minute, "I'm not beating up a fucking tree." I say to myself.

So I sort of just stand there, looking at the tree, till Uncle Bill calls me over and we go to the hospital wing together.

"Vi and George are on their way. Your mum says that they've got to drop Theo and Annie off at mum and dads and they'll be here." Uncle Bill says to me as we walk back up to the castle.

Aunt Fleur, Louis, and Dominique are standing at the door waiting for us. "Come 'ere darling." Aunt Fleur says, putting her arm around my shoulders and walking me into the castle. "Violence is never ze answer Freddie. No matter 'ow much ze bastard deserved it."

We walk to the hospital wing together. Uncle Bill opening the door for us. Albus, Rose, Cass, Molly, Lily, Hugo, Darcy, James, and Scorpius are already there. When we walk into the room I swear I saw Madam Pomfrey roll her eyes a bit, just at the sheer amount of people in the room.

"Fred Weasley, come with me so I can get your hands bandaged up would you?" Pomfrey says to me.

I go over to her reluctantly and sit down so she can clean up my busted knuckles, "So what's wrong with her?" I say, looking over at Ophelia who is still unconscious on the bed.

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