Part 2, Chapter 56- Freddie's POV

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**A/N** Another chapter for you all today as a way of saying thank you for putting up with the chaos that is my upload schedule! I'll be back this weekend cause instead of spending time with family (Cause who does that) I'll be writing more of this fic! Okay byeeeee xx


Why is being picked up from the airport the most embarrassing thing ever? I mean it really shouldn't be as awkward as it is. But seeing Mum and Dad standing in the swarm of people at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me to just hurry up and get down the stairs to see them?

Awkward as sin.

I can see Evie's parents too. They're close to Mum and Dad but not actually talking. Mum sent me a text earlier today and said that everything between them is sorted but looking at them right now... I wouldn't be able to tell.

"Three nights at our parent's places alone," Evie says as we walk down the stairs together, "Then two at mine, two at yours, then back here and on a plane to America."

I kiss her hand, "Three nights without you? I don't think I'll survive."

"Did you leave your balls in Mauritius? It's three days with your family. You haven't stopped talking about your mums cooking since we left at Christmas."

"Yeah but it's not the same without you by my side. Mums cooking with my fiancé beside me is the life I want to be living."

We get to the bottom of the stairs and before going over to our parents I grab Evie's face in both of my hands and pull her in for a kiss. I don't care if we're in the way of passerby's, or that our parents are a few feet away watching us, I kiss her like I'll never see her again even though I know it's only three days apart.

When I stop and pull away we are both out of breath. Evie's face is hot to the touch and she's smiling like the gorgeous idiot that she is.

"I'm in love with you Weasley." She whispers.

I kiss her forehead softly and pull her in for a tight hug, "I'm in love with you West."

"Oi! It's not like you're never seeing her again!" Dad shouts from where he is, "Come give your mother and I a hug! You know, the people who birthed you and raised you?"

I sigh and press my forehead against Evie's, "I hate him."

She hums in response, "No you don't."

After another passionate snog, Evie and I go to our parents respectfully. As soon as I am within arms distance from Mum she throws herself at me and hugs me so tight that I start to go light-headed from lack of oxygen. But I hug her back just as hard if not harder. It's hard on both of us for me to be gone all the time. Gone and so far away, where time zones get in the way of our daily chats. Where if something happened to me when I was gone it would take Mum and Dad forever to get to me and vice versa.

When Dad notices that there's no way that Mum is letting go of me anytime soon he joins in on the hug rather than waiting for his own.

"When was the last time you had a shower?" Dad asks me, "You smell rancid."

I laugh but Mum pulls away too, "It's true, you stink. Might have to strap you to the top of the van and let you air out on the way home instead of letting you sit inside."

Dad picks up my trunk despite me saying that I can handle my own things and the three of us walk out of the airport together.

Evie would call me a bastard if she knew but I miss her already. The smell of her hair, the feeling of her skin against mine. But I guess travelling the world together does that to a person. It's bloody fantastic to be home but it doesn't feel quite right without her beside me. At this point, London isn't my home, Evie is. Wherever she goes I go and vice versa.

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