Chapter 38- Cassiopeia's POV

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"Oi Weasley, you think your Mum and Dad'll have a threesome with me?" Some older Hufflepuff girl says to me as I walk down the hall towards my potions class. All of her friends laugh along with her.

I slow down and look at her head to toe, "With you? Not a chance."

Her jaw falls open and all of her friends are now laughing at her instead of me. Ever since the new textbook came out it seems that the only thing people can talk about is how fit my family was back when they were in Hogwarts.

"What was that about?" Darcy says from his spot by the potions classroom door.

"Just a bunch of idiots. It's whatever." I grumble. We walk into the classroom together and sit down with Ophelia and Chandler. Both of which are being oddly quiet.

"What's gotten into you two huh?" Darcy says to Ophelia and Chandler as he pulls out the notebook that he uses for his notes.

I look up at my sister and her friend. They share a look between the two of them before Ophelia talks, "Nothing? We can't be focused in class?" She says it awkwardly like there's something in her mouth.

I give her a look but she just shrugs her shoulders. I don't look away from her till Professor Slughorn comes in the room and stands in front of the class, "Alright everyone! Welcome back from the winter break, I know you've had a day to get back into the mental state of learning and studying so I thought that given we have double potions today that we brew the Wiggenweld potion!" He says it so happily but it's the hardest spell in our books this year. I'm not looking forward to it.

"Now who can tell me what this spell is used for? Anyone? Anyone at all?" Professor Slughorn asks the class. Ophelia and I both put up our hands, "Anyone but the Weasley twins?" No one does anything, "Fine, Miss Cassiopeia Weasley, if you please."

"The Wiggenweld potion is commonly used to heal injuries and restore stamina but it can also be used as an antidote for sleeping potions," I say carefully. I watch Professor Slughorns face when I talk to make sure that he's agreeing with everything I say.

He claps his hands together once and smiles, "Perfect answer Miss Weasley, like I was reading the textbook myself, ten points to Slytherin." He starts to walk back and forth in front of his desk walking us through the potion and how to make it perfectly. I jot down a few of the things he says that I know aren't in the textbook. That's the thing with Slughorn, he'll walk you through the potion before he has you brew it and if you'll listen carefully you'll pick up on little hints and things that the book doesn't tell you.

"Head off then! You have till the rest of the class to finish up your stuff. How's about we... let's see, Christmas just happened so let's do red sparks from your wand if you need any assistance!" He says cheerily.

Loads of people rush over to the supply cupboard like they always do but I stay in my seat and read over the instructions carefully, then compare them with the notes that I just took.

"You want me to get your ingredients for you?" Darcy asks me once he realizes that I'm not getting up.

"No its alright, I'll get them myself, just making sure I know what I need," I say. I take my textbook with me into the line for the cupboard. Ophelia and Chandler are standing in front of us but neither of them are talking, just communicating through looks.

"They're doing something," I say to Darcy.

Darcy looks around the room, "Huh? Who's doing something?"

"Ophelia and Chandler, they've got something up their sleeves or whatever but I can't seem to figure out what it is."

Darcy shrugs, "Sounds like it's none of your business Cass."

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