Part 2, Chapter 3- Ophelia's POV

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**A/N** Hello! I wanted to get one chapter of every perspective out today but since it's one in the morning when I'm posting this and I have school in the morning it's looking that Annie's chapter is going to have to wait till this weekend sometime lol. Let me know what you guys are thinking of part two so far! Lots of love xx


"Did she really not think that I would notice her heading off into a corner to snog fucking Fletcher of all people?" I say to Chandler once everyone else in our house is tucked safely into their beds.

"How is it that Fletcher is getting more than me. I don't understand it." He says as he tosses himself backwards onto the big couch and putting a pillow over his head.

"Are you coming with me tonight or is your ego too wounded to help me out?"

Chandler takes the pillow off of his face and tosses it at me, "It's the first night of the year Weasley, can't we just. I dunno, not search the deep dark forest till the early hours of the day for a little bitty stone just this once?"

A door opens and closes on the girl's side of the common room and I gesture for Chandler to shut up. Sixth-year student Lilith comes out into the common room and stops as soon as she sees Chandler.

"Oh, uhm, sorry. I – uh."

"Hi darling, what can I help you with?" Lilith and I have slept together many a times in the past and I can't help but think that's the reason she came out of her dorm.

"I heard you out here, and I thought you were alone... never mind, have a good night Ophelia." She bites her lip a little when she says my name.

"I'll find you between classes tomorrow eh? Somewhere a little more private than the middle of our common room. It'll be worth the wait I promise."

Lilith smiles, god she's fit, "Alright, see you." She turns back into the girl's dorms and I wait till I hear her door open and close again before I talk.

"Ready?" I say to Chandler. "I've compared my notes from last year and I think I know where it is now. I want to get it by Christmas cause I haven't got a clue what to get my parents as a present. I figure my Dad's twin brother ought to do the trick."

"Look I'm all down for helping you do this, I've been helping you for years, but I seriously don't think that it's going to work the way you want it to," Chandler says getting up from the couch.

I take the Marauders map out of my bag, Fred gave it to me once he graduated Hogwarts and told me to raise hell... raising the dead is the same as raising hell right? I think so.

I open and unlock the map and talk as I wait for it to expose the entire castle, "It wouldn't work the way I wanted it to if Uncle Fred wasn't a ghost. If he were just dead dead, then his soul wouldn't be familiar with human beings blah, blah, blah. But because he's been chilling in Hogwarts for the past like twenty-something years."

"Has it ever been done before?"

"No...but come on, when has anything that my family ever done resulted in a bad outcome?"

"Uh... when your uncle died?"

I roll my eyes, "Okay mister negative you can just stay here if you want."

"No, I'll come, let's go."

Getting out of the common room is the easiest bit of searching for this damn stone. The hardest bit? Remembering to transform with all your clothes and things cause it's a conscious effort to make sure that you do that.

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