Chapter 30- Ophelia's POV

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Someone tosses a pillow at my head and I groan. Rolling over, I can see Rose standing over top of me. "Fucking hell Rose, who taught you how to wake someone up?" I grumble.

"It's eleven in the morning Leah, Aunt Vi told me to come get your raggedy-ass out of bed. Her words, not mine."

I sit up in my bed, well not my bed. I'm in Dad and Uncle Fred's old room. I look over at the other bed and it's already made and Cass is nowhere to be seen. "Course they were her words." I yawn. "You'd never say something like that with your mum in the same house as you."

"Come on then, everyone's already downstairs."

"Everyone, everyone? Or like my Weasleys and your Weasleys everyone?"

"Like everyone, everyone." Rose walks out of the room, expecting me to follow.

I stretch again and look around the small room. According to dad, it hasn't changed at all since he was living in here with Uncle Fred. And because of that, he doesn't come in here at all. Which means that mum was probably the one to leave the green and white package at the foot of my bed. Mum and Dad are those cheesy bastards that buy the whole family a new set of matching pyjamas every year. We've got to wear them all Christmas day.

This year it's a bright red tee-shirt with the words 'LET IT SNOW' in white cursive print, and fluffy pyjama pants that are striped white and green, with a pair of red elf slippers with bells on the toes.

I change into the outfit, I hate it with every part of my body but I love it at the same time. As soon as I open my bedroom door I can hear everyone downstairs. It's like the whole house is alive, someone chatting in every corner of the house. There's like a hundred different smells too, the turkey for tonight is probably in the oven by now and the house is full of the smell of breakfast.

"Look who decided to join us!" Pops says when I step off the stairs. He pecks the top of my head as I sit down beside him.

Rose was right, everyone really is here, 29 of us crammed into Nans small kitchen and living room. And this is just the Weasleys plus Teddy, Uncle Walter and Uncle Lee aren't here with their two kids yet, neither is Uncle Draco and Scorpius, or Auntie Em and Darcy.

I do a quick once over of the room as I eat. Freddie is on the opposite side of the room to James, not looking at him at all. The bastard. Kissing his cousin's girlfriend? Listen I don't care how much you hate someone in your family, you don't do that to someone you're related to.

Victoire is talking with Nan all about her time in Japan so far, showing her pictures and things from her phone, Teddy is having a half conversation with Uncle Charlie, his attention clearly on Victoire the entire time. I think they ended things between them given they are acting so strangely.

"Hiya Leah!" My younger cousin Lucy says pulling up a chair beside me.

"Hey, dude, what's up?"

Lucy smiles really big, almost everyone treats her like she's a child. I mean, she's ten, the same age as Theo but she gets babied more than him. "I made the cinnamon buns before we got here, did you try one?"

"Ah nah, I haven't had the chance."

Mum shrieks with laughter, I glance over at her and her and Dad are in the same matching pyjamas as me and my siblings. Dad's got her cornered under some mistletoe that Nan hung and is kissing her all over her face but her lips.

"Nanna, can we open presents now?" I can hear Theo ask form somewhere in this happy chaos.

"Not till after dinner darling." Nan coos at him.

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