Chapter 90- Ophelia's POV

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Tensions in the house have been high in the past few weeks. Ever since Freddie called home and told Mum that Cass was literally practicing dark magic, everyone's been on edge.

Mum didn't even want to come to the final quidditch match of the year. She didn't want to see Cass with the admonitor on. I know that Cass is probably thinking that the entire family is against her, if I was her right now that's what I'd be thinking at least.

But I hope that she knows that it's for her own good. She's smart enough to know that right?"

"George Weasley as I live and breathe," McGonagall says as Mum, Dad, Theo, Annie, and I walk into the front doors of Hogwarts.

"McGonagall! It's good to see you again." Dad says. He hugs McGonagall, then McGonagall hugs Mum and whispers something that no one can hear.

"Mister Weasley, are you ready to attend Hogwarts in autumn? A little birdy told me that you should be expecting your acceptance letter on your birthday this August."

Theo's face lights up, "Really? I'm very excited Headmaster."

Mum laughs, "Leah darling why don't you take Annie and Theo on a little tour. Dad and I have to have a chat with McGonagall, okay?" I can tell that they have to talk about Cass. I want to be there, I want to hear what they're going to say. But I know better than to ask.

"Come on guys." I give Mum and Dad a hug before saying goodbye to McGonagall and head off, Annie and Theo by my side.

The first place I want to go is the common room. I practically run through the corridors and down into the dungeons, ignoring all of Theo and Annie's questions about Hogwarts. They've been here before, we visit uncle Fred nearly every year. But they still ask every single question they've ever had over and over again.

"Pureblood," I say as I put my hand on the door to the common room. I turn around and look at Annie and Theo. "You're about to see the best damn common room in the entire world. And knowing you two, I don't think this one is gonna be yours."

Then I walk in, the cool air inside feels like a hug. Fuck I've missed this place. The portraits all say hello on my way down the corridor and into the common room area.

"It's spooky in here," Theo whispers.

I laugh, "It's perfect in here." When we get into the common room I send Theo and Annie over to the far wall so they can try and spot mermaids before I skip down the corridor to Chandler's dorm room.

I pound my fists on the door about a hundred times, rapid-fire while screaming at the top of my lungs.

The door opens and Chandler is standing there shirtless, "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asks in a sleep-filled voice.

I cover my eyes with my hands and look away from him, "I'm blind! Your pasty ass body has blinded me!"

Chandler howls with laughter and goes into his room to find a shirt, "There. Now give me a hug, I've missed your sorry ass."

"Awh Channy, give some sugar to Mumma."

Chandler laughs but he hugs me all the same. I've missed the bastard.

"Seriously though, what are you doing here?"

"Freddie's in the finals today so we came to watch. A couple of my Aunts and Uncles are gonna be here too... and my nan and pops... okay essentially my entire family is coming to watch cause it's Dom's final chance to get the cup and she's positive that she's gonna win."

We walk back out to the common room. Theo and Annie have managed to get some mermaids to come over to them and they're drawing on the glass together.

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