Chapter 89- Cassiopeia's POV

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**A/N** I should have been writing notes for my psychology class but this was a lot more fun. Leave comments to let me know if you like where Cassie's story is heading so far!! Lot's of love xx


"Miss Weasley. Your wanted at the Headmasters office."

Professor Longbottom is standing beside me in Herbology. He doesn't talk loudly so no one else can hear him.

"Like... now?"

He nods his head, "Gather your things please."

I do as I'm told. Instantly my mind goes to something happened to Freddie, or any other Weasley honestly. Something happened to Mum and Dad. Something happened to Nan and Pops. I do my best to control my breathing but it's no use. I'm on the verge of a panic attack and I can't do anything to stop it.

The walk to the Headmasters office is long, but has it always been this long?

My mind is running a mile a minute as the gargoyle guarding McGonagalls office spins around, letting me climb up the spiral staircase to her office.

I don't even have to knock on the door, it opens as soon as I hit the top floor. I can't hear anything but the beating of my heart in my ears.

McGonagall is sitting at her desk. Fred is in one of the seats in front of her desk. When I walk in he turns around. I swear he's been crying.

It's Mum. Or Dad. Or Annie. Or Theo. God, please it can't be Ophelia again.

"Thank you Mister Weasley, you may head back to class." McGonagall says to Fred.

He gets up from his seat and walks past me, he doesn't meet my eyes.

That's when it hits me.

He's told.

He's opened his mouth about what I've been doing and now I'm getting kicked out of Hogwarts and sent back home for the rest of my life.

"Miss Weasley. If you will." McGonagall doesn't sound angry when she tells me to sit down, I can't read her face, "Buiscuit?" She nods towards the open tin on her desk.

"No thank you professor." I say softly.

McGonagall nods, then sits up straight, intertwines her fingers, and places her hands on the desk, "I received an owl from your parents early this morning. It was... unsettling to say the least."

"Are my parents... they're alright?"

McGonagall nods solemnly, "Yes, they aren't the people that I am worried about. Your brother has told me that you have been experimenting with dark magic."

I don't say anything. I don't think I can say anything. I'm so beyond pissed at Fred that I don't even think I can function properly.

McGonagall continues, "We cannot have students indulging in the dark arts Miss Weasley. It is forbidden. I have spoken to your mother and father, along with the Minister, and we have decided that it is best if you wear an admonitor for the remainder of this year."

"An admonitor..." I repeat.

McGonagall nods. She takes a thin, silver bracelet out from a drawer in her desk and places it in front of me, "It will keep track of every single spell that you cast from your wand. It won't inhibit you from studying for your practical exams at all, but if a dark charm is cast, it will alert both myself and the Minister..."

"My aunt." I snap.

McGonagall sighs, "The Minister..."

"It will alert my Aunt Hermione and in turn my parents." I'm getting annoyed at this point and I've stopped trying to hide it.

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