Chapter Nine: One Secret

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Two weeks. It’s been two weeks since Nick has come back from his stay in Tanzania. He was raising hell where ever he went. I was so glad that he decided not to stay with us and instead stay with his mother. He had ruined my life enough and told enough embarrassing secrets to last a lifetime. I hated that he knew everything about me. He knew that I had a fear of spiders and cried every time I saw one. He knew that I used to call my mother at least three times a day, and I was a complete mama’s boy. It has now decreased to twice a week. He knew that I got my ass kicked by a lesbian at a club once. I could have sworn that she was man.

In conclusion, Nick has a big mouth and I want him to die.

“Where is Noah?” I asked glancing around the loft for a moment, realizing that he wasn’t there.

“He is at soccer practice,” Mason said glancing at the clock. “He should be out soon though. Do you want to pick him up?”

“Nah – you can do that,” I chuckled.

“Jayson – “

“Why can’t you do it?” I groaned.

“Because I’m busy,” Mason said.

“Busy doing what?” I persisted.

“I changed Daniel’s office into a bedroom from Noah,” Mason said. “The kid needs his own room. He’s a teenager.”

“He was perfectly fine in my bed,” I chuckled.

“Are you going to pick him or not?” Mason huffed.

“Fine! Sure I’ll do it mom,” I laughed.

“I’ll show you mom,” Mason said. “Speaking of your mother, how is she?”

“Go fuck yourself Mason,” I retorted. Mason laughed hysterically as I grabbed my jacket and was about to head to the school. As soon as I walked out the door, I bumped into Nick. Before he could say anything, I sped walked down the hall. I could hear him calling me as I pressed the elevator button quickly. As soon as the door swung open, Nick ran down the hallway to catch me. I quickly pressed the close button but it didn’t move fast enough. He made it just before the door closed. Fuck! I had almost gotten away.

“You’re such an ass,” Nick groaned. “Where are we going?”

“You mean where am I going alone?” I muttered. “You – You are going back to your mom’s house.”

“I was bored there,” Nick protested. “Please Jayson – I promise I will not tell any more of your embarrassing secrets.”

“Ha! What’s left to tell? You’ve told everything,” I grumbled. Nick gave me a pouty face as we exited the elevator. He trailed me all the way to the car – it looks like I wasn’t going to get rid of him easily. I guess I would have to take him with me.

“So where are we headed?” Nick asked.

“I’m picking up Noah from soccer practice,” I said.

“He plays soccer,” Nick nodded. “Is he any good?”

“I don’t know,” I replied.

“You mean you haven’t seen him play,” he laughed. “What kind of boyfriend are you?”

“We aren’t dating for the last time,” I grumbled.

“Ok,” Nick said rolling his eyes. “Whatever you say - I tell it like it is.”

“Well you’re wrong,” I retorted as I pulled into the parking lot of the high school. I pulled to the side, waiting for Noah to come from the field. Nick sighed as we waited. Not even a minute later, he was complaining.

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