Chapter Twenty: One Love

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It’s been two weeks since Noah and I broke up. It has been the roughest two weeks of my life. I literally tossed out all of my morals and was drinking myself into oblivion. I had gone from depressed to irate to ecstatic then back to depressed. I was on an emotional roller coaster and I didn’t know what to do. I mean I guess that’s what happens after a break up. You’ll do anything to forget that pain that you’re feeling. Everyone has a different way of coping. My best method of coping was pretending that I didn’t care about anything. And boy, was I good at it.

“Hey Jayson,” Mason said as I walked into the kitchen. “Are you hungry? I made pancakes.”

The thing about break-ups was that Mason and Daniel would be unconventionally nice to me.

“I’m actually not hungry,” I replied as I flipped the television on.

“Alright,” Mason nodded. Daniel plopped down beside me and stared at the screen aimlessly until there was a knock on the door. We all glanced at the door for a moment before Mason grabbed it. It was Nick. I rolled my eyes as I moved them back to the screen.

“Hey guys – what’s up?” Nick said squeezing between Daniel and I.

“Maybe if we ignore it, it’ll go away,” I muttered.

“Someone’s in a pissier mood than usual,” Nick said.

“He’s just upset because he and Noah broke up,” Daniel muttered. I shot daggers at Daniel as Mason coughed dramatically.

“Daniel, what did I say about bringing up the break up?” Mason huffed.

“You and Noah broke up?” Nick asked his eyes wide open.

“Yes Nick – we did,” I huffed. “Go ahead and say it. Say I told you so. I know you want to.”

“No – I’m just surprised is all,” Nick said. “I’m sorry. I really am.”

“I don’t need a pity party, guys,” I exclaimed. “I’m fine. I am.”

“Jayson – you don’t have to pretend,” Nick muttered. “We’re all friends here. You can tell us.”

“I’m not upset over it and I don’t want to talk about it,” I mumbled. “I was stupid to have gotten in a relationship with an eighteen year old in the first place. I should have known better.”

“True,” Nick nodded. I narrowed my eyes at him as Daniel laughed.

“I wasn’t asking for your agreement on the matter,” I said moving off the couch. I grabbed my keys off the hook and headed straight to the door.

“Jayson, where are you going?” Mason asked.

“Out,” I retorted as I slid out of the door. I slammed the door behind me, only to have Nick follow me. He caught up to me at the elevator, lingering behind me.

“Jayson – come on,” Nick sighed. “Talk to me.”

“Now, why would I want to do that?” I asked sarcastically.

“Because I know you Jayson,” Nick replied. “Better than Mason and Daniel do. I know you’re trying to play this off like you don’t care about Noah but you do. I know you love him and I know that you are hurt by all of this.”

“It’s better off this way,” I mumbled.

“Come on – I know what will make you feel better,” Nick said grabbing my keys.

“You couldn’t possibly make me feel better,” I mumbled.

“Ye have so little faith,” Nick retorted I followed him to my car. He hopped into the driver’s seat and drove. I had no idea where he was taking me. We pulled up to a sketchy looking brick building before he stopped the car. I had no idea where we were. Nick hopped out of the car and walked inside. I followed grudgingly.

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