Chapter Four: One Top

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“Jayson,” I heard a voice call out to me. “Jayson, get up!”

I rolled over to my side as I glanced at the clock. It was only seven-thirty. What blasphemy was this? Who is even up at this godforsaken hour? I glanced up beside me to see Noah’s familiar blonde hair in my face. When the hell had he gotten in my bed? I ran my fingers across his neck as he groaned. I shook my head as I moved out of the bed.

“Jayson,” Mason said clearly as I rubbed my eyes awake.

“What? I’m up,” I replied dryly.

“We have to be to work in a half an hour,” Mason replied. “Remember the boss wanted us there early plus we have to drop Noah off at school. Speaking of Noah, where is he?”

I pointed to the lump of blanket on top of my bed as Mason sucked his teeth.

“Oh my fucking god,” Mason muttered. “Not again! I thought you said that that was the last time.”

“I didn’t screw him,” I muttered. “He must have crawled in when I was sleeping I swear. I made our boundaries clear dad.”

“Noah, wake up!” Mason said shaking him roughly.

“I’m awake,” Noah muttered as he rolled out of bed stiffly. “God, I had the best sleep.”

“I bet you did,” I scoffed. “When did you get in my bed?”

“I snuck in last night - the pullout mattress has been hurting my back,” Noah muttered. “Thanks for letting me crash on your bed.”

“You let Noah sleep in your bed? You never let me sleep in your bed Jay! That’s not fair,” Daniel protested. “But uh Noah if you uh need a place to sleep tonight, my bed is open for you and a couple of your friends too. We can have a sleepover.”

“No thanks,” Noah laughed.

“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Daniel said following Noah into the bathroom. I sighed as I slammed my door shut. Life in this house is so weird. How did I end up living with three guys that are crazy as hell? Oh yeah, College.

Damn, I felt like I was married. I had to go to work, drop the kid off to school, grocery shop, and pick the kid up. It was like Mason was my wife. Daniel was the younger screw-up brother who would forever mooch off me and Noah was my spoiled little bratty kid from a previous marriage. When had my life gotten so uniform? I hated it. I liked spontaneity. So, that particular night I decided to go out. I would party like it was 1999 and I wasn’t bringing any of my baggage with me. I was going to fly solo.

So, that night I ended up at my favorite gay bar. It was called “the Lioness”. I had managed to pick up a handsome muscular top that was going to definitely pleasure me all night long. He was so hot I knew Mason and Daniel would be super jealous. They would have to jerk off to the sound of me and . . . I forget his name but whatever all night long.

“What’s your name?” I asked drunkenly as I led him into the elevator. He playfully bit my neck as he pushed me against the elevator door.

“Will,” he said in between kissing and sucking on my neck.

“God your hot, Will,” I muttered as I pulled him off the elevator and into my apartment. “I have three roommates so fair warning.”

“I’m sure there not as cute as you,” he mumbled as he nibbled on my neck.

“Stop it – but I know,” I said blushing as I pushed open the door. Mason and Daniel were on the couch staring at the screen. They both stared at me as soon as they heard the door slam.

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