Chapter Nineteen: One Break

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“Where are you going?” Nick asked rubbing his eyes as I quickly pulled pants on.

“Noah is missing apparently,” I said quickly. “He’s not picking up my phone calls.”

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Nick replied. “He’s probably passed out on someone’s couch as we speak.”

“I hope so but I just want to be sure,” I said sliding my shirt over my head. Nick rolled out of my bed and followed me.

“Do you want my help?” he asked curiously.

“No – it’s fine,” I replied quickly grabbing my car keys. “I’m just going to make a few calls around and check some places.”

“Ok,” Nick nodded moving out of my room. I couldn’t help but think of the worse. I just hoped Noah was alright. I mean it was unlike him to have his phone off or even not to go home. Maybe Nick was right. Maybe it was just a night of wild partying.

“Mason,” I said walking into his bedroom. “Can you give me Rebecca’s phone number?”

“Why?” Mason asked narrowing his eyes at me. He made it blatantly obvious, when he thought my intentions were impure.

“Noah didn’t come home last night and I want to see if he’s there,” I said. “That’s it.”

“Noah’s missing?” Mason said, suddenly concerned.

“Potentially,” I replied. “Now, can I have the number?”

“Yeah, of course,” Mason said scribbling the number on a scrap piece of paper. I grabbed it and dialed it quickly as I left the house. I moved swiftly into the elevator as it rang twice.  On the third ring, Rebecca picked up.

“Hey Rebecca! This is Jayson,” I said quickly. “Sorry to call you so early, but is Noah at your house?”

“It’s fine,” she said dryly. “Noah? Noah isn’t here.”

“Is Liam there?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied. “Do you want to talk to him?”

“Yeah,” I said. I waited as she called out to Liam. I sighed, as he picked up the phone.

“Hello,” he said dryly. 

“Noah didn’t make it home last night. Do you have any idea where he is?” I said quickly.

“Last time I saw Noah was this morning,” he replied. “It was at Isabella’s house.”

“Is there any particular reason that you left him there?” I asked accusingly.

“We got in an argument and he told me to leave, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he said quickly.

“An argument? About what?” I said, trying hard to hold back my anger.

“We were drunk and I tried to stop him from drinking so much, but he wouldn’t quit,” Liam muttered. “He told me to mind my business and that he was a big boy. I told him that he was drinking too much too fast and he told me to fuck off. So, I left.”

“You left him?” I growled.

“I was mad, ok?” he replied. “He was with Isabella when I left.”

“Great! You left him with another drunk,” I huffed. “For someone who claims that he cares about Noah, you sure don’t act like it.”

“What’s the point? He’s in love with you anyways,” Liam muttered. “He’s made that obvious on several occasions.”

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