Chapter Eleven: One Soccer Match

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Hey! I just met you and this is crazy. So here’s my number! Call me maybe!

The whiny sound of that Carly Rae Jepson song woke me up out of my sleep. I opened one eye as Noah grabbed the phone off of the dresser. He picked it up quickly, half asleep. I glanced at the clock. It was seven am in the morning. Who the hell was calling this early for him? All I know is that it better not be that Liam kid or I was going to throw a fit.

“Hey Isabella,” Noah said rubbing his eyes, as he slid up on the bed. “No! No! I was awake.”

God, he’s such a liar. No he was not awake. We were cuddling just fine until Isabella called. I groaned as he continued the conversation.

“Out Noah,” I huffed. “Out!”

Noah sucked his teeth as he rolled out of my bed. He took his phone and walked out of my bedroom continuing his conversation elsewhere.

One thing that should be known about me was that I absolutely fucking hated getting woken up. A deep fiery passion of hate erupted from my soul when I was awoken. Daniel and Mason already knew this. They had experienced my wrath first hand numerous times, Daniel especially. I pulled my pillow over my head as I closed my eyes back. I was hoping that I could salvage another hour or two.

“Jayson,” Daniel said bursting into my room. I ignored him, staying bundled up in my blankets. He didn’t take my ignoring too lightly. He jumped onto of my back and slapped me on the back of my neck.

“Wake up Jayson,” He shouted pulling my pillow off of my head. I kept my face against my sheets – that is until I felt something wet in my ear.

“Did you just give me a wet willy?” I groaned jumping up out of bed. Daniel ran out of my room quickly. I ran after him down the hall. I wanted to kill him. I was going to kill him.

“Get back here asshole,” I said following him into Mason’s room. Daniel hid behind Mason, using him as a shield.

“Oh really! You’re going to hide behind Mason,” I snorted as I reach out for him. Daniel screamed as I went to grab him.

“What’s going on?” Mason asked as I pushed him against the wall. “And why am I getting hurt?”

“Because you’re harboring the fugitive,” I muttered. “He gave me a wet willy.”

“Ew,” Mason said glancing at him. “Really Dan? Really? Are we elementary school?”

“It’s not my fault! I’m high! I don’t know what I’m doing,” Daniel said as I grabbed him and returned the favor. He fell to the ground all dramatically as Mason stepped over him.

“Ha! Sucker,” I said thrusting my groin in his face. “Suck it! Suck it!”

“Jayson,” I heard Noah said walking in on my victory dance over Daniel. I turned around casually, pretending as if I hadn’t done anything. He rolled his eyes as he picked Daniel up off of the floor.

“I have a soccer game today,” Noah replied. “I was wondering if you guys wanted to come and watch – you, Mason and Daniel.”

“Um I -” I began.

“Sure, we will all be there,” Mason nodded.

“Ok, I have to be at the school in an hour so I’m going to get my stuff ready,” Noah grinned. “It doesn’t start until 3 this afternoon though.”

“Ok,” Mason replied. “I’m sure Jayson will drop you off. You know he loves you and all. Right Jay?”

“Shut your face Mason,” I groaned as I punched Daniel. Daniel groaned as he fell onto Mason’s bed.

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