Chapter One: One Bar

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  • Dedicated to All My Fans <3

Once upon time ago in a city quite like yours, there lived a man. He was the fairest man in the entire town. Men and women everywhere would come from miles around just to see this guy.

His luscious black hair, chiseled jaw line, defined abs, and piercing chocolate brown eyes.

He was neither married nor was he tied down by anyone. He wasn’t much of a believer in love , as he had his heart broken before.

His name was Jayson Reed.

“Bullshit, his name was Jayson Reed,” Daniel laughed as he took a swig from his beer. “I think you had a little too much to drink there, Jayson.”

“I’m practically sober,” I said slamming my Corona across this table. “You didn’t like my fairytale.”

“I didn’t dislike it – I hated it,” Daniel joked as he hit Mason on the shoulder. Mason was too enraptured by the fight on the screen to even acknowledge the two of us. He shoved Daniel back lightly as he had his eyes glued on the screen.

“Oh Mason,” I sung out, sliding into the stool beside him. “I didn’t know you liked UFC so much.”

I poked him until he got mad enough to do something. He pushed me away from him as he handed me his beer. I took it whole-heartedly – I mean that’s what friends are for. I finished it up before I slid it back towards him.

“Mace doesn’t like UFC,” Daniel snorted. “He likes their tight asses.”

Daniel started laughing so hard, he fell off of his stool. God, he always gets wasted the fastest. I can never take him anywhere. He’s such an embarrassment. This was just like college all over again – the three of us drinking on a Thursday night. You would think now that we were somewhat adults - we would have changed our behaviors. But we didn’t.

I glanced over at Daniel who was struggling to get up from the floor. I rolled my eyes as I rushed to stand him up.

“Mace, come on,” I said tapping him on the shoulder. “We have to go back to the apartment. Daniel is shit-faced, as usual.”

Mace and I dragged Daniel into Mace’s Prius, as we slammed the door shut. Mace took the keys from my pocket as he headed to the driver’s side. I was just about to hop in, when I caught sight of a guy. He was definitely my type. He had bedhead blonde hair, an amazing body and piercing dark blue eyes. I was definitely taking him home tonight. There was no doubt about it in my mind.

“Jayson – Don’t even think about it,” Mason said noticing that I was noticing that beautiful – beautiful guy. “Enjoy rejection.”

“We’ll see about that,” I said as I walked towards the guy I was bedding tonight. I flashed an evil smile back at Mason as I approached him. He looked ten times better up close. His eyes were much bluer and his hair was much blonder – if that makes any sense. If doesn’t, then it’s probably due in part to the fact that I was drunk off my ass or because I was ridiculously horny.

“Hi,” I said casually eyeing him up and down. “I’m Jayson with a ‘y’ and you are?”

“Noah with an ‘h’,” he laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“Well Noah with an ‘h’, where are you headed?” I asked curiously.

“I don’t know, wherever you’re taking me,” he said with unwavering confidence. There was nothing sexier than a guy taking charge and getting right to the point. I already liked this Noah guy.

I pulled his hand and led him to my car. I would have taken a taxi but why waste the money? It’s not like I could avoid my roommates. They live with me. I slid Noah into the backseat beside me as Mason sucked his teeth. He was probably mad because he hadn’t gotten any action in like years. I had more game than he could ever imagine.

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